Reviews for A Rose by any Other Name
MOVEDTOANOTHER chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
This story was so Uber Cute. vexen was so funny and blunt I love that about him what he said is true people love sexing it up in libraries. Granted its not as romantic as say a graveyard *shrugs* I go for the cuddling more than the screwing each other like bunnies factor. Cuddling is a true key for loving couples _
Zexy is so kawaii i want to hug him. Overall its a hot erotic yaoi fanfic that i cannot wait for more :P
Zexion chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
I thought this was amazing. There was no better way to describe anything in there. They came together so perfectly. Their relationship was an ideal of how everything should be between them. I just almost cried as I finished. This was an amazing story and demonstration of love. You have to continue writing. You bring everything to life, and make it almost real. You can feel their emotions as the whole thing went through. I'm absolutely speechless, as I am typing after all. Words clearly don't describe this. There is so much more behind this.
callmebirdie chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
That was one of the best zexy-marly lemons i have read. Good work.
merrr16 chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
awww i like this pairing now
Rikuobsession chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
Wow. I never knew I'd liked this pairing. Please, write more one shots!

Um and as for the poll… I can't vote with everyone else but, I say you write an AkuZeku :D please?
Saint of the Sinners chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
Nessie-san chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
YondeAi-san? (Love to read in Japanese...I think) Absolutely wonderful. Truly, truly wonderful. It was...well, wonderful XD Your grammar wasn't perfect, and you made one spelling mistake (which I will inform you of), but this story was soooooooo good! I suggest that, for the sake of your grammar, you get a beta reader. I'm not saying that as an insult or anything. I have a beta reader, too. I just think you would benefit from it, and your stories definitely would. Now, as to the one spelling mistake! Somewhere in this story, you used this word "knew" instead of "new." I don't remember exactly where, but the two words are quite different, though they're pronounced the same. "Knew" is the past tense form of "know," in other words, it means "in the past _ did know this." New means...well, new. I actually don't know the exact definition, but I can show it to you, instead - "New" would be used this way: "I'm going to get a new dress." Anyway, awesome job, and I can't wait to see what else you've written, and I can't wait to see how you improve - Ganbatte kudosai -
Rosepetal987 chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
Well, let's start with what I disliked I suppose: Firstly, check up your definition of 'g-spot' cheré. Also using the nicknames was a true novice thing to do, purely childish. Sure, it was 'cutesy' but it was childish, and something I honestly do dislike when people do so.

That was really all I have to complain about, all together it was a nice story. Explained in a near well manner, besides you made a reference to Vexen-a Vexen I honestly can't say I view him at all that way, but, eh-so I was happy...that really is all I have to say.
Tenderless chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
Nice job, now i'll never be able to look at those guys the same again.
drenandtarb chapter 1 . 1/7/2011

i loled at vexen!

(i suck at reveiws)
NeverDreamsOfMe chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
That started out sweet and ended steamy. I loved it 3
k.h. fan chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
omg write more
xxxawkwardsilencexxx chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Holy shit! That was amazing! I dont know what else to say it was just awsomeness. _
Zexion46Edith chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
lol ... i like this storie lol :3 not much to say about it though except for the fact that it was epic to read...
AnimeFreak1306 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
This is awesome! I really luvd the story and how Zexion was a librarian. I've always luvd this couple but this story made me like it even more! (If thats even possible) Anyways thx for a great story! (O)
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