Reviews for Field Trip
Glass of H2O chapter 6 . 9/17/2011
This was a fabulous story!

Although, i do hate to say this, nut the song that the Hogwarts students sang was not indeed by Queen, but rather, 'the King.' Elvis Presley, to be more precise. Sorry, I couldn't help but make sure that you knew that, as I am an avid Presley fan and could not let another group take credit for his excellency.
Razzledazzy chapter 7 . 2/7/2011
Rori Potter chapter 7 . 1/17/2011
That was amazing. Update soon.
haru-chanXXX chapter 7 . 12/28/2010
This was brilliant! You could definitely do more with this story and make a sequel :D


p.s. I'd rather have real cookies than vitual ones
hpswst101 chapter 7 . 11/22/2010
It's okay Severus, we understand how this could be confusing for you at times. It was cute. I just hope that actual school doesn't get to mad at Shue. Thanks for posting.

Snape1918 chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
Haha thanks for the shout out :) lol! I loved the ending! I love Draco and Hermione together! I have already read some of your other stories but I will read some more lol :)
DracosWifey12 chapter 7 . 11/15/2010
Aww I got a shout out(: I feel special lol.

Anyway, I really liked the ending and I thought your story was absolutely amazing(: I'm gonna go check out what other stories you have.

Thanks for the awesome cross over :D
chocolatedogz chapter 6 . 11/10/2010
That was totally awesome! Especially after how Darin Criss starred on glee :) You should totally write a fanfic with him in it :)
turquoise.archer chapter 6 . 11/9/2010
It's not over right? It seemed like it was just getting good! If it isn't over, then UPDATE SOON! xD
Snape1918 chapter 6 . 11/9/2010
Was that the end? If it was, you should make a sequel or something! Lol I love this story and if it's not the end, please update soon!
DracosWifey12 chapter 6 . 11/9/2010
NO! ),:

It's not over is it?

Because if it is...


I might..

*Bursts into tears*

lol jk I won't cry.

But I'll still be depressed ):

Keep going please or do a sequel or somthing!
DefyTheRules chapter 5 . 11/8/2010
I love this! I hope you update soon! Brittany is my fav it's so funny that you included the cat thing! Can't wait to read about the hogwarts kids singing!
DracosWifey12 chapter 5 . 10/30/2010
I just LOVE this story(:

It's really hard writing cross overs and your doing a good job with it.

Plus I love Harry in this,

and I think I mite be sensing a little Draco/Herimone flirting which is always good lol(:

Keep going!
PieAnnamay07 chapter 5 . 10/30/2010
Awesome! I'm looking forward to the Tina/Artie stuff, though... :D

Great fic!
turquoise.archer chapter 5 . 10/30/2010
This story's really interesting. You have them all in character too. Update soon!
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