Reviews for Fire Crown
Reila42 chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Nice story!

It's short yet sweet!

Sid and Phoebe sounds like a couple here to me!
Padfoot Arcanine chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
I really loved this fic. I think you did an awesome job with the pairing and it was an interesting concept to write about. Keep up the great work!
Liusa-The-Wandering-Maniac chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
Sweet! I actually have a thing for Steven; he's just so sweet!
Favored chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I really liked it! I think you've really captured Flannery quite well; and I especially like that Flannery was the Champion this time around.
Crazy Packers Fan chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
I love it... Flannery and Steven in a role reversal. Awesome pairing, of course, the OTP for these two. Very nice.
heylalaa chapter 1 . 8/2/2010

just one word:

i love you., wat. that's three words.
SnowLion no Miko chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
Wow. I really loved this fanfic! I think you did a great job portraying Flannery and Steven.. I really liked how you linked them together. It didn't feel forced or anything. Great work!
mochicocoa chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
Ily! -hearts-

This is like aglagjalgdkjadglmad -AMAZING-! Everything just fall right into place and like, ZOMG, I can't explain it! :3

Thanks so much for writing it :D
Nuuska chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
Yay, finally a fanfic with Steven in it. 3

He's like my favorite character yet also the most minor character in the anime ever. D': It's sad.

I love your fanfic.

Good job on it!
xxkoffeexx chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
I love how you tie the nineteen-year-old concept from beginning to end. Flannery and Steven are wonderful. Steven is just pure wonderful. I'm so happy you wrote this! :)
StarryNinja chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
This is one of those fics that make you say "gdbxnxhdbchdnkkwnxnjej" Not because it doesn't make sense, but because it MAKES PERFECT SENSE. I love it! So cute and I love Steven! haha! *faves*
bijou chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Oh, my gosh. OH, my gosh. OH MY GOSH!

This was so undeniably wonderful/perfect/incandescent/adklajfslkdjf. I can’t even type properly because I’m still all doe eyed because of this piece of art! AHH, IBU! I’m sorry but this is just… just so… magnifiwonderperfbeautpretty! Yes, I made up that word because nothing can clarify how I feel about this.

Firstly, Steven. OH MY LORD he is hot. I would marry him. I would, I would, I would. He’s just so amazingly chill and serine and just… wow. I adore him.

Secondly, Flannery. She’s all sorts of gorgeous, seriously. Her awkwardness reminds me of well, me. I love her very much in this fic!

Thirdly, the writing. fjlasjfalksjflksdj IBU! Tell me how you make something so simple so wonderful! I need some writing talent and you seem to have loads too much so give me some :-: … Oh and I saw less of the too many adjectives in one sentence, just so you know! And that’s great and I didn’t have to read anything over again :D you’ve improved since your first Lance/Kotone fic (it’s name has a B in it, I think…) I can tell!

Fourthly, just everything. Simple, to the point, wonderful. I’m honest to god wondering how you crafted this un-complex work of fanfiction art into something so gorgeous.

‘an entrancing escapism’ is just lovely, m’dear. Just letting you know.

‘Steven chuckled politely in response (like he always did), staring over his cup dark coffee and her strawberry fruit punch’ there’s a slight error in that. Look between ‘cup’ and ‘dark’ ;D

Anyways, ohmygosh, tell me how you do this, please. Wonderful, magnificent, amazing work, Ibu. I went overboard on the review so I’m sorry! I hope you enjoyed reading this though and I also hope I made you smile :D


p.s. you’ve inspired me to do a Steven/Flannery story too! Darn, I’ve been trying to focus on other things. Oh, well!
Dreamicide chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
I love your stories, I can't tell you that enough. '3'

"She kept her eyes on him, and before opening her mouth to begin the meeting." - Confused me a little, I'm not sure the word 'and' is supposed to be there.

"Shouldn't you be at the pokémon league?" Was always the first thing..." - At the top of my head, I feel like the 'w' should be lowercased...I could very well be wrong, though.

"staring over his cup dark coffee," - is it cup 'of' dark coffee?

...I am such a nitpick, haha.

But I loved it, I loved it so much. '3' Thank you very much for writing this!
manhattan martini chapter 1 . 7/31/2010