Reviews for Once Upon Lunchtime
karmaandego chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
hahaha.. i love this story!
and the potato chips.. haha.. i love it! good work and keep it up!
charm13insomnia chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
ha ha hahaahahhah so funny
littlemsstrawberry chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Lol love it!
Farhanah Atiqah chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
wow,3 cm times 3 cm times 3 is amazing lol
Reverberating Winds chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Oh, wow, that was great. It's a memorable, humorous, well-written story. You captured their personalities perfectly. Nice work!
Rob DS Zeta chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
saphren chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
i would prefer steak to potato wedges, but chips are still awesome. if Setsuna takes precision to a whole new level i wonder about Tieria who is all 'everything must be perfect'. this is cute, funny and cheery~
Satiah chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
I greatly enjoyed reading this story. It was lighthearted and playful, yet remained realistic. It's hard to think someone so friendly as Neil wouldn't try something like this; attempting to figure out who the people around him really are underneath their code name facades. I loved your interpretation of both characters, and could hear each distinct voice clearly through the use of your words. Wonderful story, excellent writing, and I was pleased to find myself laughing by the end. :)
Mneo chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
D'aww. That was really cute. I really enjoyed reading that. I liked how Setsuna would eat his chips before because after all he is still just a kid.
Chang-Tong chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Now I'm craving for steaks doused in gravy after reading this... XDD And lol, did I read him wrong, or was Setsuna agitated at the end there? XDDD Oh, Neil, Neil, Neil... look at what you did. Lmao! XDDD

I captured both of Setsuna and Neil's personalities down perfectly, I believe, and I'm happy with the description in this story overall. It's a simple story layout, but the descriptions made it all the more worthwhile, especially with you you explained Setsuna's outward, subtle action and Neil's jovial personality. :DDD

Love this!
iDevalu chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Aw. Setsuna is a kid after all. Why else would he have eaten his chips before the main dish? xD

&& Lockon. How is he still amazing even after a fail like that?

Ah, the questions of the universe.

Very well written, I must say. Loved it :)
dark.retreat chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
haha, I really enjoyed reading this! Simple, but with enough material to go around to keep it from being dry. Personally, I prefer reading shorter snippets like this to longer fics because the writing and ideas are generally more cohesive. So don't hide unfinished things like this in your database (because I want to read them)...!
Incoming-Duck-Fiend chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
I love chips too!

I'm kind of like setsuna-at lunch i always dissect my pizza into tiny cubes before eating, which is a pretty messy task considering all of the sauce the lunch ladies put onto it!

Awesome story, it made me laugh!

While reading these types of stories , i've realized that the characters never seem to be IN character, but your story captures the characters personalities so perfectly its like this was part of the anime!

Just amazing~! Keep writing!
Kizee chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
Awesome! I just love Setsuna!
Raux chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
This was great! XD And amusing.

Setsuna, despite being a bit bland, is a character that intrigues me. But finding good fanfiction on him (of any kind) is difficult.

Although short and sweet, I enjoyed this oneshot. Thanks for this!

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