Reviews for Falling in Love in NYC
ww chapter 1 . 11/25/2015
i thinks its cool
Lamashtar Two chapter 11 . 6/25/2015
Found this story via Tumblr rec. I am enjoying it, though I worry about Arthur. His depression seems almost clinical. He needs meds. :( And I feel bad that he hates Francis so much. As much as I dislike the harassment that is translated as romance, he doesn't truly seem like the worst he's been portrayed. Really wondering if Alfred is aware that Gilbert is bi? It's nice that Elizaveta gets to be the comforting one here.
LoVePpGxx chapter 11 . 2/20/2015
I love this! You should totally continue!
Ifpastawasaperson chapter 11 . 6/10/2014
You what song really reminds me of this story for some reason? Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order, it is just the melody and lyrics, they just fit so well to me. I normally don't like these longer type of stories but this is a great one. I hope you make a new chapter soon.

Best wishes!
OutToGarden chapter 11 . 5/5/2014
I thought you weren't dropping this baby :( I know you probably aren't ever going to be continuing with this (which is an extreme disappointment), but I still wanted to say you've done a really good job with this. You've got a great writing style and characterization and the plot is incredibly well-paced. It was a little slow at first, but that just made the later parts more satisfying. I love the dynamic these two have going on and I really would love nothing more than for you to continue it, but I recognize that you most likely won't so here is just my humble kudos :)
luciume chapter 11 . 10/4/2013
Amazing! I cannot get over this story! You totally sucked me into their world, and I loved every second of it. A shame that while this story may never be updated, but it was a delight to read anyhow.
By the way, I LOVE the age gap. It works well for their personalities.
And your characterization for Alfred and Arthur is too good. They warm my hearts; especially Alfred's charm!
(That kid better not wear himself out though. Get some rest!)
I wonder how Alfred will take the news on Arthur breaking up with Francis? Better yet, will they realize just how connected they BOTH are to Francis.
Ahh, the drama.
I love it.
Even if you may never update this again, this still was an excellent read. Thank you so much for this lovely story! Complete or not, I love it.
Q3APo chapter 11 . 5/11/2013
oh... i really love this fic. it just like watching tv drama by reads the novel. i cant wait for the date and the sex and the climax. please update soon
Well-Hello-Bright-Eyes chapter 11 . 1/17/2013
Oh god, instant favourite. I've been up for a few hours reading this and the sore eyes and yawns have been worth it, my dear. The writing is fantastic, the plot is original, and you made my day with the lengthiness of the jem you have created. It is so hard to find good fanfiction these days, and you've definitely made a keeper. I look forward to an update! A must read for USUK fans.
jUsTaNothErFuJoShi chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
I love this story so much. I would love to know what happens next

You said that you weren't gonna give up on this story back at the end of 2011 but now here I am at the beginning of 2013. Please come back and update this amazing story DX

jUsTaNothErFuJoShi chapter 3 . 1/14/2013
LOL the guy in the booth behind them was Arthur XD
mister-lion chapter 11 . 6/11/2012
I'm starting to feel worried for Alfred here-no matter how perky and hyper and bright he may be in this chapter, the guy needs to get some rest PRONTO. It's kind of him to consider Arthur first and attend to his needs of destressing, I really believe he's good for Arthur's emotional health. I just hope Al won't fall sick ir something similar while they're on their date, poor guy. Also, good for Arthur for dumping Francis rather than prolonging his agony, although I'm worried things may get complicated once he finds out Francis and Alfred are related. (I found it amusing how he immediately compares his dates with Alfred and Francis lol. At least you'll have fun with Al, Arthur.)

It's been a while since you updated, huh. Hope you're feeling okay.
Xenia van Hausen chapter 5 . 4/22/2012
I have to tell you. This is probably my favorite USUK fanfic (that's not quite angsty) ever. I'm serious. I can reread this and still feel absolutely happy because your writing and characterization is beautiful, and I salute you for your skills in humour. Personally, I believe humour is the hardest of all to write, because most attempts at it turn out to be lame/corny/what? type of jokes. But yours is perfect. Gosh, I cannot write humour to save my life. I do hope you haven't completely fallen out of this fandom, because I'd love to have inspiration hit you so that you can continue this fabulous story!
CrimsonButterflyTearDrops018 chapter 11 . 4/16/2012
I can tell this is gonna be epic! Hell, it already is epic!

I love how Alfred told Arthur he likes him just a few weeks of knowing the guy. Alfred's just so blunt, isn't he?

There were some occasional grammatical errors and spelling errors but I find that I don't mind it at all and they didn't really reduce the quality of this fic! Please keep up the good work and keep on improving!
Awesome Chapter chapter 11 . 1/3/2012
3 I've been waiting for this chapter! I should log on and Story Alert it...that way I'll know about the update before it turns up on LJ.

Anyway, I love your characterization and just the story in general. Everything about this story is amazing.

Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter! 3
kitkit11183 chapter 11 . 1/1/2012
Alfred... more hyper than usual... This does not bode well. XD This fic is fun to read and I eagerly anticipate all hell breaking loose when Alfred or Francis find out the other person in the dysfunctional triangle.
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