Reviews for Total Drama Galore
The Kobold Necromancer chapter 5 . 1/18/2012
Did you know I have notes written down so I remember all of your characters? Hehe, I love it, and I love how long your chapters are! :D

It was over nine thousand... how sad. :(

Wait a minute! Nine cars, second challenge, teams of five and six? ... Nah, never heard of anything like that before!

I cannot drive a stick, no no.

Leshawna, maybe life is more like a cartoon than we all realize!

Hooray, Yael got her glasses back! And Geoff, you are dating the most wonderful girl in TD, how could you forget you were taken?

A Team Victory reunion? Hot damn, that's awesome! Why isn't everyone stoked about this? They have six nice people, Harold is with Leshawna!

Between Kayla's sobbing and Diana's swearing, I don't think we're gonna get much dialogue from them, eh? ;)

Phillip's guard rail and cliff moments cracked me up.

Epic car chase scene! ;)

Oh wow, poor Geoff! As someone who has been hit by a car, I know a little about how he feels. :(

Noah's suicide moment was a little OOC, I think, but still funny.

Aw, Ezekiel, you're not scoring any points by talking about eating rabbits with the two members of TD that would like to hear about that least. :( (DJ's dialogue could have used a little touching up, my friend.)

So Deej caused the accident? Oopsie. And yes, Ezekiel, don't lose sticks.

"Ow, rope burn, and not the kinky kind!" - Haily's dialogue cracks me up.

So Alejandro was the one who clobbered Geoff? Oh, how evilly fitting.

Aw, Gwen's team went over? I mean, I'm not concerned for Duncan, but I wanted to hear more from Fran! :P

GASP! So THAT is who you ripped off? This genius has some great ideas, you say? I should look up TKN, because as Kobold Necromancer (obviously known as KNM), I should get a few ideas. Anyway, if you rip him off more, I'm sure he won't mind. It's like having fanfiction of his own show. :D

You did a great job of keeping the teams in order, and I loved a lot of the chapter. I am in great suspense over what happens next! EB, hope you keep up the AWESOME work! And keep ripping off this TKN genius! :D
hitko333 chapter 5 . 1/17/2012
Besides the very few character mistakes, this was very enjoyable. Thank you for finally updating for the first time in over a year! I must say that I can't wait to see what you are planning for so many characters, but I guess I'll just have to wait... a few more years for the next chapter! Can't wait for the next chapter! No, seriously, hurry, I'm not going to wait.
Mallory16 chapter 4 . 12/26/2010
Blaineley? Not memorable? I'd say she was pretty memorable. Maybe not for the reasons she'd prefer to have been memorable for, but still, memorable.

First of all, Alejandro, you were trying to use Heather for your own gain, too. Let's not put all of that on Heather. And second, it's really more Chris' fault for getting burned by the lava. It's not like you knew whaat would happen from throwing a pineapple into the volcano, either.

Aww, poor Sierra. Just worried about her Cody. No harm in that, right?

Vanessa, if you're going to be a mean girl, you need to learn how to do it. 'Cause you're doing a pretty poor job of it so far, what with being bossed around by Grace. Not to mention, Grace can get along a lot better with people she doesn't have "leverage" on. Grace seems to have a lot of control, doesn't she?

Aww, poor Rocki. She didn't mean anything by her comment, Courtney, but then, it's not like that's ever stopped you from getting angry before. Anna's starting to become far less likable, though, with her constant paranoia about promiscuous girls.

With Sabrina around, Sierra seems downright sweet and lovable and not creepy at all. Good going there, Sabrina.

Nice to see Sam's softer side around Kayla.

Aww, Fran's so cute, wanting to see Izzy and Ezekiel hook up. Then annoying Heather after Heather was mocking Fran. Go Fran! Show Heather who's boss, and who knows what couples belong together!
hitko333 chapter 4 . 12/25/2010
LOVED IT! Not the most exciting, but I'll take it. I thought Alejandro was a robot in the end of the last season? Cocoapple is hiralious! It was freaky when he did that weird snake-tounge-kiss thing to it that time... *shudder* YAY COSPLAY! GRELL RULES! P.S. remember that I'm a coldaphobe and the freezer confessional will at all times make me want to kill myself, except for when I'm in cosplay for at which time I will have the personality of the other person. Lastly, since you have a Spanish class you can talk with Alejandro in SPANISH! WOH! Great chapter can't wait for the next chapter, my Eclipse should be up if I ever start.
drums247 chapter 3 . 12/24/2010
Maybe you could add Trentney. I saw you had it on your DeviantArt site.
drums247 chapter 4 . 12/24/2010
Awesome. LOL at room 8! Seriously? Tying Owen Geoff and the new guy up to chairs. Epic! And I agree with Leshawna and Bridgette, Duncan is ruining Gwen. She should seriously get back together with Trent. Update soon!
kjhgsfgfgkflklllljlj chapter 3 . 10/8/2010
i was hoping... could yoiu PLEASE include NoahxIzzy? *looks at your profile* well, lookie here! your a fan of it! so... PLEEEASE? I swear, i will read and review every single chapter of this, if you just include it! btw, i found this because i was on devientart and saw your "shameless self-promotion" XD and i'm so glad i clicked it anyway awesom chapter
kjhgsfgfgkflklllljlj chapter 2 . 10/8/2010
this. is. great. i freaking love it!
kjhgsfgfgkflklllljlj chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
The Kobold Necromancer chapter 3 . 10/8/2010
I apologize for taking so long to review! :P

Chris is totally Kira. ;)

Izzy's brilliant, just needs better aim, eh?

I love how Amanda's tolerance comes from her own intolerant humor. ;)

Looks like Heather hates Ezekiel for what he did with the case, ayup yep.

It's that trampy pole! Hehe, I laughed quite a bit at Beth and Geoff's reactions, and Anna's was funny too!

"EW! Some of it got in my mouth. It tastes like sorrow and crushed dreams." - Boy, that girl's really got some powerful angst!

Lyle's prayers to everyone above and Oprah, hehe such a classic joke.

Yeesh, Leshawna sure is mad at poor Bridgette. Poor Fran, denied so.

When the ground started to shake, I just love Haily and Lindsay's reactions.

Go, Bridgette! She's a life saver! :D

It's called a face-palm, James.

Beavers got owned!

Elaine's a wonderful sport. I'd love to meet someone like that. :)

Amanda blew it! Oh no! Why's everyone so mad at her, she's not a jerk over it! *sighs* But she did cost the game, in the name of humor, so I know what's going to happen.

Is Kayla going to cry the entire game? Yikes.

Right after the confessionals on voting, the following sentences didn't make sense: were the original contestants there or not?

Good-bye, Amanda. I loved your snarks at Chris, and how nice you were to Ezekiel. Oh dear, she's not going to like being alone. Poor gal (I wonder what she had against Fran).

Hehe, two votes that weren't votes, that's gotta be a first. :)

I will love to see more of your Edgic. And more of the story too! Awesome work! :D
Mallory16 chapter 3 . 10/5/2010
Wow. I wonder what Vanessa could've possibly said said that would've put both herself and Ethan in a position where they'd have felt a need to become Grace's slave. Either way, Grace is awesome!

Aww, kind of sweet to see Amanda and Ezekiel getting along,

Kinda' can't blame Heather for being pissed off with Ezekiel. That whole "stealing her million dollars" thing, and he doesn't seem to be apologizing for it, either. Ezekiel seems a little oblivious as to why Heather doesn't like him, really.

Everything beats mangled hand.

Anna, calm down. It's an inanimate flag. Inanimate flags cannot be skanks.

How come the bird could bite through the makeshift "rope," but Izzy couldn't?

Yeah... that was more than a little insane on your part, Leshawna. Yelling at Bridgette for going to unfreeze Harold? That's like Courtney-level paranoia there.

I know you said we weren't supposed to like Fran, but I do like her a good bit. I want to see her work her fanon magic and get these couples right!

Aww, Courtney cares about Bridgette! Sort of... telling her not to make out with Geoff during the challenge! But then, of course Courtney wouldn't want the only person who doesn't hate her to get kicked off too quickly, I suppose.

"I knew that that was the time for me to prove I was more than just a series of failures and mishaps. That, and I didn't want anyone to, you know, die." So sweet, and heroic, and... well, funny! Rocki's also awesome!

Probably should've used someone besides Owen for Mr. Exposition, Chris.

It's too bad Amanda lost. She wasn't one of my favorites, really, but still, she seemed nice and friendly, and she was good for Ezekiel.

I am curious why Amanda voted for Fran, though. I don't think they interacted at all. I wonder what we didn't see on camera...

Quite enjoyable, anyway! Good job with this!
Lilanac chapter 3 . 10/2/2010
I love you so much. All of CJ's references made me laugh so hard. I have quite a few quotes from this that need to be added to my favourites.

Epic work. Did you have Haily proofread it? And by the way, I understood like two words of the ending author's note. XD

Yay me. Savin' Yael. Booyah.
Mallory16 chapter 2 . 8/17/2010
OK, Grace is the best new character here. Very little doubt in my mind about that. I definitely got a better feel for her in this chapter. Sam is hilarious, and probably second.

Man up already, Harold! Fran only has your best interests at heart. And hers.

Yael's glasses must be extremely thick. I may not be able to see well without my glasses, but I'd still notice if I was talking to a wall, instead of blobby-looking things.

Amanda's joke wasn't really that funny, James, but it really wasn't that complicated, either P

Squee, Katie and Sadie! Squee for the sheer joy of squeeing!

I'm surprised Eva growled at Bridgette, but not Ezekiel.

Hooray for Noah's "not Izzy" line!

Poor Rocki, just has the worst of luck. Forgetting where the flag was, accidentally knocking down CJ,

Stuck frozen in that uncomfortable... you know, it sucks when you play with someone who takes that freeze rule a little too literally. Then again, you just know Chris would.

Still, poor Courtney, getting tagged out because the rest of her team wanted to play nicer.

Vanessa, you'd think after the fact, you'd realize you should've let Ethan warn you about Katie. Even if you weren't going to admit it to him P
hitko333 chapter 2 . 8/16/2010
Okay, if you don't want to use the referances that I gave you for anime lines, then don't ask me for anymore. You can just make whatever referances your feble unanimed mine can handle. You either use the referances that I give you or you can make whatever ones you want, I don't care anymore... no one listens to me anyway.

Also, I liked the chapter, especially the stare off with me and Duncan. But, to let you know I've had a girlfriend before so I'll kick your butt for the first physical contact with a girl joke!
The Kobold Necromancer chapter 2 . 8/16/2010
Sorry this review took so long! :P

Anna should leave that confessional posthaste!

Poor Harold, looks like Fran is making him a little miserable and in deep trouble.

Haha, Ethan got cut off short again! ;)

"Aren't you just oozing originality," Zing, Amanda!

The computer nerd and the blind girl leading? Wow, this'll be fun!

I really enjoyed all of Yael being blind jokes. Shame it'll only be for this challenge, but it's so funny!

Lyle - "Brain... brain... my brain hurts from lack of oxygen down there, ouch!"

"What's our strategy?" "Cower." Hehe, I loved that.

Elaine's so cute. :)

Haily - "It's called sex!" Buahaha!

"Ninnies" is a funny word!

Rocki, YOU FAIL!

Somehow I knew Courtney would yell at Noah over being leader. And the following confessional was hilarious, especially naughty Haily!

Battle of Battlecraft? Hehe!

Izzy is like the awesome hitman you send in to get the job done, you know! ;)

Poor Cody, his scene cracked me up. And Eva, boy, talk about overkill.

I'm all for dunking Chris and stealing his water-ski! Buahaha!

For someone so open, I wonder why Haily would be against a girl wedged in her cleavage! (Naw, I kid, I kid.)

Wait, how do we solve world hunger? HOW?

I do like Detective Conan! But I don't like Kudo, the main character. That weird? :P


Jonathon... really, really scares me.

Lindsay's part was the most hilarious part of the chapter, she can be so cute!

Woot! Way to go, Bridgette! Good tag!

Haily, try just pressing your ear against the wall. ;)

Nice little tribute to TDWT there with Pop Goes The Weasel!

I'm guessing Chris' jerk ass move is that everyone frozen gets unfrozen, which only really benefits the new people. :)

Awesome chapter, lots of great moments and funny parts! *claps and cheers* I am so looking forward to more!
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