Reviews for Heights and Falls
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
Very interesting insight. I've been thinking about writing this scene myself and then you were talking about cognitive dissonance in the first paragraph and I felt like I should check to make sure I hadn't written this.
I wasn't sure what I wanted it to look like, I think you did a great job with your perspective. Love the unwomanned bit.
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 9/24/2015
Oh, Wyldon, honestly! Great fic.
Lioness Lazuli chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Quote: "You can't," he snarled at the Girl, furious that he had been reduced to inventing words like unwomanned thanks to her. End Quote.

HAHAHAHHAH! That sentence made my day! Loved it! A highly entertaining read :DDDD
Good job! I would have found it so difficult to get into Wyldon's head, but you made it realistic and funny :DDD
Callisto Anaxandra chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
I love how the heights "womanned"! :) Good other POV fic.
Katzenpfote chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
nice one.
sliz225 chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
Always nice to see some depths to Lord Wyldon. I especially love the part where he feels guilty for being unfair to her. Very true to canon, and a very good story.
KrisEleven chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Interesting. I liked the idea of this scene from Wyldon's point of view. I'm not sure how I feel about how you tackled it; I feel like you gave him so much... inner turmoil that it was like he /knew/ it was right to let Kel train, and was just being... stubborn? Or didn't have enough willpower or self-awareness to get to the truth. I think it is so much more likely that he believed whole-heartedly and acted in cool rationality than in this out-of-control type of thing.

I loved the writing, loved how you made Wyldon human with his sister, and am sorry I didn't like the characterization. :) You know I love you. :D

theweirdworder chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Wow, you really captured Wyldon! He was a good man, fair but blinded by the ignorance that was hurled at him. Ah, Kel still has some enlightening to do... Good work. I particularly liked the part about his sister.
SarahE7191 chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Love it!

wizardswriter chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
I liked it. I always thought in the books, at least in his head, he had a hard time with Kel, because he respected her, but did not want to look weak by showing it. also he refused to show favoritism to her, in my opinion because of his attitude to the king in the first part of the book. but i do think this was his attitude. he had trouble looking at her as a fighter, a daughter to Degree, or as my fan fiction heart wants damn-it! a lover.

and damn it i need to write one my self! lol

Great job!
mickeyrose3 chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
I loved it. I love how Wyldon is torn between disliking Kel just because she's a girl training as a page and respecting her for her coolheadedness and determination. I also like his comparison of Kel to his sister, and the memory of his dealing with Elasabenne's fear of heights when he was younger. The final act of charity of his at the end was good, too, even though readers know that it really doesn't turn out to be his last one to her:) Anyway, great job.
Loretta Lyon chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Bravo! I've been re-reading this series and thinking - often - of how I would like to see the story from different points of view - especially that of Lord Wyldon. I am so glad you posted this!
Rockstar with a Vendetta chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Oh, this is fascinating - this was one of my favorite scenes in all of the PotS, and I loved wondering what was in his head. However, you exaggerated his opinion of women far too much; he never thought women were weak, because he taught his own daughters how to use a bow and defend themselves. The mindset you have is more suitable for Joren.

I adore that he compares Keladry to his sister; it suggests he thinks more highly of her than he's willing to admit, because Wyldon doted on Elasabenne!

A. Summer chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Loved it! Its funny because I just reread First Test a couple of days ago and thought that there was more to the scene. I hope you write more soon.
pegada chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
This is really good, I liked it a lot. I enjoy fics from Wyldon's POV; they're quite insightful, even though they're not written by Tammy. I like the part about Elasabenne, it gives a bit of a personal touch to it for Wyldon, which makes the whole thing even better. Nice job!