Reviews for Posh Totty
Guest chapter 3 . 1/21
A prince regent is not the consort of a queen. I think that you mean a Prince consort. Regent in this context means ruling potentially on behalf of someone else.
Thaliran chapter 3 . 8/18/2015
Love this, an insight into St. Trinnians girls minds. You should colect all the stories into one story, that way you can ad one girl at the time without starting a new story. It would make the stories easier to find and read
MuggleCreator chapter 3 . 9/6/2012
Made me laugh. Our group might have been four years ago actually...
koreseason chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
This and Head Girl were very good in getting into the heads of these characters I hope you do other fics focusing on the other tribes of st trinians after you strip away the steryotypes and look at the person themselves
Tristia chapter 3 . 8/26/2010
Again, I like this. I always did see Chloe as the true Posh Totty of the bunch. For some reason, I don't think you quite got her 'voice' as much as you captured the other two. Not necessarily a bad thing, but in my opiion, not as good as your other two. I think you made her too round-about, maybe? I dunno. I still enjoyed it, though.

As for who you should do next? I think you should do a collective fic about the head of each 'tribe', so Andrea, Taylor, Celia, Polly, and the twins and call it 'Tribes' or something, rather than doing a seperate fic for each. My personal favourite, is, if you haven't already guessed, Andrea, so I'd be particularly interested to see what you make of her. And come join the forum I told you about!
Thane of Fife chapter 2 . 8/23/2010
You certainly have a knack for capturing the voices of the characters, another brilliant piece. You should come to fandom_smash (on live journal) sometime, you're amazing at this and we could do with a few more St. T's girls about ;)

Emerald xx
Lilia-Rose chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
Sorry, couldn't be bothered to log in. I love your pieces, you have a great way of capturing the Posh Totty, and making them more than sluts or beauty-queens. Another admirable job, I would say, and I look forward to reading your piece on Chloe.

For feeling your way around the fandom, I would say you are doing extremely well, as you seem to be capturing the voices perfectly. I also quite like the idea of a budding friendship between Annabelle and Peaches...
Thane of Fife chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
I love this, you've got the character perfectly. Hope you write more for this fandom :)
Liliarose chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Sorry, couldn't be bothered to log in. But Perfect, Perfect, PERFECT! You have absolutely captured Chelsea.

Although the first school is not 'Appleby' but 'Ampleforth' (Ampleforth College, Yorkshire).

I shall be on the lookout for some more St T stuff from you.
SophieeAnne chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
yay :) i loved it and thought it was heaps good, cant wait till the next one