Reviews for Four
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
Nicely done
Little Kunai chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
good story
Shadow Fox777 chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
This is a good set of shorts. I like how Protoman is always in character, and I LOVE how you made me do a double take by using Bass Instead of Megaman in the fire segment. It was just priceless.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Wonderful little pieces. I love the theme of perception running all through it: what people see, what they don't, want they want to and don't... I wish I had concrit to give besides there not being enough of this.

Well, I shall have to settle for favoriting & re-reading it, from time to time.
Jikoken'o chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
Wow. This is intense... and beautiful. You've really created an extraordinarily deep Protoman. The second story caught me quite off guard. Bass, huh? Not something I would expect of him, but it was definitely an interesting twist. I am always interested in the dysfunctional 'family' relationship between Proto and Bass... or any of the Wily Numbers, really.

The last story was my favorite. The heavy atmosphere between Light and Proto actually made me tense up! I think I might have exhaled deeply after I finished reading it. (LOL) Really, I can't even properly explain what I liked so much about it, but it was very good.

All of these are so well written. I would love to see more from you some time. :)
GrimMoody chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
I object to your first story.

1. if robots are rampaging and killing people, then everybody suffers. That's probably how a lot of people did get in that poor situation in the first place.

2. if people who own companies get attacked, then the risk is high for the people that work for him losing their jobs.

3. feeding starving people does no good if you don't help them find a way out. Fact: most homeless in America choose to be.

4. Rock is a combat robot. He is designated to fight bad robots, not give aid. And knowing him, he'd probably want to help people in bad situations anyway.

5. Why would Dr. Light not help these people? His robotics companies create jobs, and likewise whatever competition he has also creates jobs. He'd likely hire desperate people just to help them out.

I like your second story. Wow, Proto Man was being a jerk. Good of him to help out, though. Haha, good job with Bass.

Wow, your version of Proto Man is so bitter. The third story is deep for him. G'job.

Wow...just wow...Proto Man is the picture of judgementalism. You truly have created a deep, if bitter, characterization for him.