Reviews for The Kelly Jones Diary
Guest chapter 3 . 11/28/2017
Please update this was beautiful and so Kelly Jones! Some of your grammar is slightly off, along with a few homophones, spellings and punctuation but that doesn't matter, I would love it if you updated pleeeeaaaassseeee!
Always.1234 chapter 3 . 9/12/2012
Nice idea, and I love some of the stuff you've added, just maybe check the grammar/spelling because I'm finding it a bit difficult to read. :) Hope you are still writing, though...
Always.1234 chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
I really like the idea, and you have a very good imagination, just not a particularly good grasp of grammar & spelling...
ZX7-495 chapter 3 . 6/3/2011
The story is AWESOME! You're a really good writter. Any chance you'll keep it going?
iamemilykh chapter 3 . 4/21/2011
really good! is there gunna be anymore to it?
CancerChikkie chapter 3 . 10/3/2010
Omg! I love your story so far! please update soon! this story's awesome!
Azuri-chan chapter 3 . 9/20/2010
likin' this story already please update soon :]
vicroid chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
Well written first chapter i've got to say how can you not love St. Trinians
els2010 chapter 3 . 7/24/2010
cool plz write more

luv this story

els2010 out ]
guitargirly13 chapter 3 . 7/23/2010
again amazing an yur soo nice hehe my name was there ! wow keep on witing this its like a bookim addicted now

UkLove chapter 2 . 7/21/2010
Omg amazing! And I love how you update so quick :)
Talup chapter 2 . 7/21/2010
awesome! thanks for this _
guitargirly13 chapter 2 . 7/21/2010
AMAZINGNESS you youpromise cake for next chapter i pormise ill review all your stories and chapters if you put up more chapters quickly please pease please i love these xoxo
Sage1988 chapter 2 . 7/21/2010
Thank you for getting the 2nd chapter out so quickly, this carries the story on from the first chapter well and runs brilliantly with the film

Showing how the two girls relationship develops is looking very interesting and I hope you update again soon
guitargirly13 chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
amazing wish this was a book carry on with this please please please xo im british and i think you did amazing with the school thing
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