Reviews for World Conference: An American Perspective
Inky-Paws chapter 10 . 11/30/2019
I love your interpretation of America in this fanfiction! It's interesting to see how he grows as a character throughout time and throughout his history. I hope that you continue to write this fanfic, but don't feel pressured to do so. Thank you for writing this marvelous piece and wishing you all the best!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/11/2019
I know it's been forever since you've updated but I just HAVE to give this fic praise! I just love it when fanfictions are written in such a way that it plays like a movie in my head! I screamed, I laughed, I 'awwwed', I stared at the wall for a moment to think after reading some lines because of how mind blowingly amazing it is-I just love this story. I know you most likely won't continue; I could hope, though? Anyway, I enjoyed it while it lasted! 3
Kansan Opportunity chapter 8 . 1/6/2019
Spain also gave up Cuba after the American marines took over.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/24/2018
Germany wasn't alive in 1778
Guest chapter 10 . 3/2/2017
I know it has been many a years that you finished writing this Story, but please! Could you? Or would you please continue this story? I love it very much! It's so well portrayed that I just can't believe it! Please! Please continue this story! I haven't come across a strong so well portrayed in ages, and yours!, yours took my breath away. If you have it in you, will you please continue this beautiful story? :3
ranilla chapter 10 . 2/21/2017
I'm in love with this story. Even though you wrote this story years ago, I still would love it if you continued.
Amy Kitty Katz chapter 10 . 1/31/2017
Oh my goodness PLEASE continue this. It's amazing so far and it's just getting real juicy!
Georgia chapter 10 . 11/29/2016
I would just like to say that your grammar and spelling is awesome and you would be hard pressed to find a single error. Nice job!
AllHeroesWearHats chapter 10 . 10/23/2016
I don't know how I have just found this story, but I love each and every chapter so very much. Your characterisations are very well built and complex; each character feels different and you really give them nuances and life in your writing style.
Thank you so much for this, as old as it is! I hope that one day you revisit it, but if not then I'm very happy to have read as much as you've given us.

SomethingMoreQ chapter 10 . 6/13/2016
The ending to this chapter is very inspirational. I love the sentences at the end, and I take them to heart. I believe that this is the end to this amazing fic. And a rather satisfying end it is.
Thank you so much for this piece of writing. It is a masterpiece and one of the best that I have ever read.
The ending still gets me. Those words are powerful. If you don't mind I'd like to write them down and use them, or at least remember them. I've been kind of having a hard time with life, but those words are kind of a boost.
It sounds like in the midst of the war and the pain, confusion, and sadness, America knows what he has to do and WILL do it. He will make a difference and be the hero. This has given me a lot to think about.
It's a grave time right now for the nations, but life will go on. It would be a treat to see you write more It doesn't hae to be in this fic, but other stories. Some may peak my interest and some may not. I don't think that this account is active, and that saddens be. Your writing is an awesome contribution to readers and this site. Arigatogozaimasu!
SomethingMoreQ chapter 9 . 6/13/2016
The last part was sweet. It was slightly enjoyable, but I found this chapter to be slightly dull. I don't really have much to comment on rather than it was alright. I may come back and reread this chapter to give it a better review later, but it's just that his chapter didn't call to me like the others have.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 8 . 6/13/2016
Well. America seems to be a bigot now. I mean he's always been egotistical, but this isn't how he usually acts. It's strange. I wonder what's going on. Actually, it's probably right in front of me and I'm ignoring it accidentally.
I think its neat how you've developed a kind of circle between Canada, England, and America. It's cool.
I also really like how earlier in the chapter, England becomes amazed by wrangling. Come to think of it, Germany would really like the sport. But back to my earlier statement: I enjoyed that part. :D
SomethingMoreQ chapter 7 . 6/13/2016
This was certainly a thought invoking chapter. I admire the role that Russia played in this chapter. I did enjoy the small banter of real names between England and America. Banter isn't the right word, I'm sure, but I'm sure yo know what I mean. The climax was definitely not disappointing, and I do like how you made America go a little missing for a couple years. It my not be in character, but I like what you've done with America.
It is true that Adam needed to die, and it needed to be done by America. Even though Russia is a little strange and not a lot of nations' favorite he was needed for America to gain some closure. Again: I like that you put him in here. And although the civil war arc was delightful and enlightening, I can wait to see what else you've come up with.
SomethingMoreQ chapter 6 . 6/13/2016
Maybe you're a history fanatic or you do a lot of research, but I can't help but notice how much accurate information is in this fic. It seems like hard work and effort went into making this, and I appreciate it. I have learned quite a bit from this piece of writing!
The Lincoln part at the end is certainly interesting. "A prayer for America is never a waste of words..." that is a great line. :D
SomethingMoreQ chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
Another This is a very different approach on the civil war. I've never seen anything like it. It's actually a very interesting idea, and you could branch off with it. I sort of like it; I'm not really sure how I feel about it. As I've said, it's a very different approach and an intriguing take on the civil war and how it affects America.
I do like how you've made America- both Americas- act in this chapter. And I do like how Adam came to me. Very Alien vs Predators. :)
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