Reviews for Eternity
CesestialPoet chapter 10 . 9/25/2012
NikkiB1973 chapter 10 . 4/6/2012
Perfect, absolutely perfect. I am wiping away tears of happiness as I type this. Aww I just loved the ending. Seven and Chakotay are happily married. Luke and Isobel are just adorable and as an added bonus,they have another little one on the way.

An awesome end to an awesome story! WELL DONE!

I have just been reading your awesome reviews on my first ever multi chapter fic 'Glimpses.' Thank you so much honey. Your lovely reviews have really made my day!

Nikki :)
NikkiB1973 chapter 9 . 4/6/2012
Oh it's Seven who will die in the future and little Luke and Isobel won't exist? Please tell me it all works out in the end?

Amazing writing honey. I have been hooked from the first chapter!

Onto the next...
NikkiB1973 chapter 8 . 4/6/2012
Awesome chapter. I am hurrying onto the next to find out what happened...
NikkiB1973 chapter 7 . 4/6/2012
Awww...that was so wonder you got upset writing this chapter! You described both of their emotions so well honey. I got tearful during the scenes with the children.

Once again an AWESOME chapter. Very well written and emotional, well done...
NikkiB1973 chapter 6 . 4/6/2012
Aww I just love Luke and Isabel. They are so cute and you have written them so well. This chapter was lovely, I like the interaction between the children and Chakotay!

Oh no... the ending! Does this mean he is going back to the past?

I have to eat my dinner now :( but I will be back later to read more. AWESOME story honey!

Nikki :)
NikkiB1973 chapter 5 . 4/6/2012
'Seven's self control a mortal wound and the tears that were it's blood began to flow,'Wow what a poetic line! I loved that, beautifully written.

Another heartwrenching chapter. I just adore little Luke, defending his mum, awww

Onto the next chapter...
NikkiB1973 chapter 4 . 4/6/2012
So Chakotay has found out. I breathed a sigh of relief when all the pieces started to fit together. I am going to hurry onto the next chappie to find out what happnes next, this story is AWESOME!

Well done honey!

Onto the next chapter...
NikkiB1973 chapter 3 . 4/6/2012
Aww I simply adored this chapter honey.I can see why little Isobel and Luke are your fave kids to write about, they are so cute.

I wanted to pick Isobel up myself and give her a cuddle when she hurt herself,awww...

Poor Seven, I really feel sad for her having to hide her emotions from Chakotay...sigh!

AWESOME writing. You described each character's emotions perfectly!

(Sorry I have taken so long to review, I was stuck in a boring meeting at work and have only just got home.

Onto the next chapter...
NikkiB1973 chapter 2 . 4/5/2012
Awww I love little Luke and Isobel. You wrote them perfectly honey.

Well done. Poor Seven though, having to keep things as normal for the children as possible.

My heart was breaking for her at the end when she collapsed, sob.

AWESOME writing honey!

It's late now...I will read more after work tommorow!

Nikki :)
NikkiB1973 chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Wow, thanks so much for suggesting that I read this story. What a fascinating beginning! So Seven was married to Chakotay and had his children, but he died without knowing them. How sad!

Now she is faced with seeing him alive again, totally unaware that the children he has just met are his (although it seems that awareness is creeping in).

AWESOME start to another great story.

Onto the next chapter...
Jedi Master Misty Sman-Esay chapter 10 . 10/5/2011
A sweet fic. And I am partial to the name Luke although I might not name one of my sons it.

I love the word 'adapt.'

Good Job!
peacejaw chapter 10 . 7/23/2011
Keep up the good work! :) Look forward to reading more of your stories!
dream2defy chapter 10 . 5/15/2011
Great story. I liked the happy ending after all the drama and heartache.

P.S. Nice use of the deflector as a solution. :)
DramaLexy chapter 10 . 12/3/2010
This was cool!
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