Reviews for Driving me crazy
Ishtar205 chapter 20 . 10/19/2012
Thanks for that, I really enjoyed the building of the relationship and the lemons were... yummy !

Will you post another chapter ? Hope so
Elen chapter 20 . 12/21/2011
F*i thought Virgil is the bottom!." you know what iam kinda disspointed and really it doesn't seem right. i know Virgil is taller but Turk is more muscular so...its kinda mess up my mind right now
AmyCoolz chapter 20 . 11/14/2011
Okay, seriously, this story only has 4 reviews, and that's such a crying shame because this pairing is awesome and needs more love. I've scoured the internet trying to find more fics, and this is -the only freaking one I could find-. Legit.

Anyway, long review is gonna be long.

I love this. I love the way you've captured their characters and I love their interactions with each other and I love how you -actually have their relationship BUILD-. The way they go from annoyed-at-each-other brothers to kinda-sorta-friends to well-now-I-think-I-love-you-as-more-than-a-brother to okay-yeah-I-definitely-love-you-as-more-than-a-brother-so-can-we-bang-now. LOVE.

And I also love how you followed along with the movies. AND ADDED IN SOME OF MY FAVORITE QUOTES (because it was totally necessary to the fic ANYWAY, but STILL).

So yeah, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for writing this piece of brilliant writing, because as far as I can tell, this is -the only Turk/Virgil story out there-. And their relationship is wincest to the max (extra emphasis on "win").


Amy, a very satisfied individual
poppyfields13 chapter 20 . 4/13/2011
it's a shame you've put so much effort into this fic and only gotten 3 reviews! so here's another one :)

turk and virgil are my favourites, and there totally is some sexual tension between them. i like how you looked into their relationship when virgil is about to get married and doesn't thank his TWIN brother at the party (that totally went beyond their petty bickering i thought) because it really annoyed me that in the movie they just threw it out there and then ignored it. turk was jealous (even if he didn't realise it)! and the fact that the marriage, as you put it, is a charade - that fits. luv that.

and everything else. every little explanation for them saying this or that. i just luv how you fit the story around the scenes from the movie. luv the sexy scenes too of course, lol. i could read this forever. will there be more?

*adds to favourites*
MazokuTenshi chapter 20 . 2/15/2011
Awesome stories on the Malloy siblings are rare and this is the best of the lot. Hope you update this because I fell in love with this fic. :)
stucky1513 chapter 8 . 9/11/2010
this is great so far! I love the protectiveness that we very occasionally see in Turk and I hope there will be more! I hope you decide to continue cause this is fantastic!
s.s chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
i didn't think i'd like it, but i did. i can't say i like Turk/Virgil slash that much , but i love how you flesh out the characters in a realistic way. you have great skill. i guess in the ocean 11 fandom insilva and otherhawk has created such a popular and widley accepted universes, things that are free of their influence don't get as much attention. keep writing, maybe one day your stories will be as influencial as insilva and otherhawk.

ps i think the title hinders people from reading your story.