Reviews for Alive
Sonamyloversega chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
The first three words LOL 3
Neko Hoshi Hime Okami chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
vegeta you definitely need off that pillar of being an asshole. i liked it other then that.
hieimasteroflight chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
Your an excellent writer and very good at decribing things in detail.
Magical Mistress Sarai chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
I love DBZ, and while the eternal fangirl in me will create unholy yaoi stories (it's a sickness haha), I have always enjoyed the Vegeta x Bulma relationship and their dynamic. This has always been a topic that intrigued me: how in the world did they ever mesh?

This was well written, I enjoyed it very much and I applaud the third person narrative rather than first person (so many people are using first person these days. I'm probably biased, but, oh well!) ... you captured Vegeta's personality well, and conveyed his confusion believably. I can definitely see this happening.

I very much enjoy how the end of Vegeta's thoughts in this short were of someone other than himself. The first steps towards our sayian prince becoming more "human"? I don't know if that was intentional, but it was a lovely touch-a very nice ending.

No outstanding grammatical errors, in fact I only noticed a missing comma here and there, but then again I'm from an older, more rigid school of grammar. (those are purely writing style preferences as well... not necessarily an error, so I don't even know why I'm mentioning it).

Try as I might, I can't really find anything to take issue with. It is what it is. I enjoyed it, I believed it, and I could easily see this as a "missing" chapter/episode. Nicely done.
rhf1229 chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
damn. why does this have to be a one-shot? sooo good! I really liked Vegeta's thoughts about humans, especially that part talking about how he hated them and that was a big deal since he hates everything! rofl. i just found that really funny. great job!
SkywardShadow chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
I couldn't take my eyes off of this story...very nice, enthralling look into Vegeta's head, which can't be easy to pull off, so kudos!
XTheGovernmentKillsVickiX chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
Love This Story please update
Heyitsmee chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
I loved it!
Racy Nucleoli chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
Oh, Vegeta...You're so naive!

Lol, I freakin' adored this! I haven't reviewed (or even read) much DBZ stuff in a long time what with other fandoms I've been pursuing and my hiatus but when this flashed up in my inbox, I had to check it out XD and I seriously loved it!

I finally understand why Vegeta is so angry at humans all the time! It was a great trip inside his head and you had his character down perfectly :D! Really enjoyed this! Congrats on this awesome oneshot.

Love Racy -

DonSani chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
I look a good look into Vegta's head, I'm I pretty much go that by reading this. You kept his character perfectly in line.

I like it, a lot.