Reviews for Fracture
suilnmbvc chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
hi! yes, you should *definitely* continue. this is such a wonderful story, and i love your writing style. i can just picture everything so well, and i can almost hear Mattie whispering in my ear (*minor fangirl moment*) in the tone you described. i can't wait to see what happens between the families, and i'm also wondering what Feli has planned (if anything...). i'm thinking he knew exactly who Yao was and knew just what kind of significance the medalian held... hmm...

again, i really like this story, so please keep going. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Alistine chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
Please, please, please, please, please write more! This is absolutely fascinating, and I can't imagine why you don't have more reviews from people beating down your door to update. The world you've created here is amazing! The interactions between the different families (China and Feli) and even within the families (God, I love Mattie, and the tension between Roderich and Vash was insane) were absolutely perfect, and I'm desperate for more. Please update!
99sasori chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
Please continue this! It's so exiting! I love your writing style and the story idea so plleeaasseeeee continue this!
donpixe chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
i'm drawing hearts around this entire story and am resisting the urge to clutch it to my bosom and coo. gosh, how i have missed good characterization. absolutely can't wait for the next chapter and the Nordics' appearance.

also, will Peter be included in this story? just wondering since he's Arthur's brother and adopted son of Berwald's.
ToastWeaselofDOOM chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
This is an interesting idea. I'm VERY interested to see how it can be expanded~ Hope you decide to continue writing this!
Hokuto Uchiha chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
I love this :) Great job.

Please update soon, and keep up the good work _
ninjafox369 chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
I love it~! XD

To tell you the truth, I was trying to avoid this story as I was looking through the fanfics because I thought it wouldn't be that good, but you proved me wrong!

Dang, it's just the first chapter and I'm hooked!

Question: In your author's note, was the 'copy/pasta' intentional or a typo? Either way, it made my day!XD
Reverberating Winds chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
I AM IN LOOOOOOOOOVE. You must continue. I look forward to

From the personifications, to the descriptions, and to the subtle hints of mutiny. This fic is particularly intriguing and captivates my interest. Also, when Roderich showed up, that secured my author alert. I am in love with him.

And I do wonder what's so important about that Dragon.

Also, Francis' BJ. Made me lol. That's a very feasible occurrence.
deleted24956 chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
Wow, this looks very interesting! Great concept, and beautifully written. I would love to read more.
single girl seeks good pizza chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
i NEED to see more of this. now. O_O

and i can't help but love Canada and China in this one, they always seem so innocent.

when is Russia going to show up? *puppy eyes*
scribeofruse chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Oh, god, please continue! This is fantastic.

I love it already, and will be sorely disappointed if you don't continue it.
Somnium Lacertae chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
it takes me a while to actually open up an AU fic to read, but mafia always had the best of appeal to me (at least, fiction wise), and I am definitely not regretting this.

this was... highly well done, and informative. the pace was just about great, and i liked the introduction of the characters so far. each and every one of them has had a proper IC attitude, and it is quite intriguing to see how this will keep moving forwards. italy was just adorable (though i hope he will do something cool on his own, other than just make people angry and create possible family wars), china was definitely dark and damn cool, and roderich was... goddamn him, so sexy.

all in all, it was terribly enticing. i like the prose too, (though certain paragraphs were a bit too big to my eyes...), and it is definitely a fill i will be following :3 i cannot wait to see what it is that you've planned out.


PS i wonder if there will be pairings in this. i am definitely up for a gen fic, but i still am curious if there's something to expect between some of them.