Reviews for Changes
breckcole chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
I very much loved this little story. Just wanted to let you know that you brightened my day a little, here at work.
Mojo Kor Ledenoa chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
Very, very sweet! Loved it!
The Genius Mage chapter 1 . 10/9/2010
Captivatingly beautiful. Some minor typos but nothing big, I really honestly truly loved it.
Moonlight M3lody chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
Hi there! Congrats for your first ToS story! Sweet and not forcefully ended(in fact,i love the last paragraph).

Not OOC, and although i see a few grammar mistakes,they're no big deal.


(Unsure if i could say that. I haven't write that much ToS fic yet~but still,welcome!)
silent romantic chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
Oh the fluff! It makes me smile!
The Wind Guardian chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Excellent for your first Symphonia fic! I'm impressed. You captured the personalities of Lloyd and Colette very well, as well as wrote them in an interesting way.

Sure there were a couple of oddly written areas were I couldn't quite grasp the metaphor or whatever, but those and minor typos happen to everyone I think so it's really not a big deal. Don't let that prevent you from writing this stuff!

I love when Colette said: "I—I don't know... Zelos probably wouldn't be happy if we got thrown out because I broke something..."

That made me laugh because it's totally something she would say, and just makes her so much more cute. Then when she did trip and Lloyd said it was the floor's fault... Brilliantly clever and in character. Loved it! -

As you can see I leave very long-winded reviews most of the time-but that's because when I read something that catches my eye I want to make sure that person knows what a great job they did, and you're one of those people. Being new to writing Symphonia stuff myself despite being a fan for years, which is also a Colloyd fic ironically, it's nice to see a kindred spirit of sorts.

I really hope to see more stuff like this from you. I'd be happy to read and review any other Symphonia works you come up with in the future. Again, give yourself some praise for this first time. This was a sweet, adorable little one-shot.

knownobody chapter 1 . 7/13/2010

i noticed a few typos though, they don't distract the reader from the story, but they they make the individual sentenses harder to understand.

other than that, this was really nice and I'll be looking forward to more of your works!
Ancient Melody chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Aww, that was so cute! I swear that Lloyd and Colette were well into character as well. I always loved Colloyd stories, I think their cute. That was good :)