Reviews for Many Other Stories
Windspiel chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
Oh, I really love the last two sentences1. I really do.

Wonderful story. Yes, they did become legends and we all love them :)
Katsumiyo chapter 1 . 7/13/2010

Long time no read! D

Anyways this fic is great! It made me laugh and feel somewhat nostalgic about Fred's demise. But the line that truly cracked me up was:

"George cursed inwardly. Why had Harry had to do that? It ruined every Snape story he had in his repertoire."

And that must have been a rather large repertoire I wouldn't mind read about it *hint*hint*.

I have a question though, how old are Fred and Roxanne? It would be interesting if they learned about their father (and uncle) legend while in Hogwarts.

Read you later!

alix33 chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
"Put that banana skin in the bin, young man," George ordered," - What kind of a bin? A r4ecycling one or a compost one? Or do wizarding Britain in your Potterverse for this fic not do any of those things (recycling or making compost)?

"Did you and Uncle Fred put the banana skin in the cauldron?" asked Fred, looking at the bin again. "Ah, now, who said it was me and Fred?" replied George, looking hurt. "We were never ickle or stupid, for one thing. We came into school at second year with all the knowledge of fifth years." "You did not," accused Roxanne. "We did too," retorted George, sinking to her level quite deliberately. "And we were the best pranksters in the school from the very beginning, no work needed." "You're lying!" accused Fred, glaring. "How come you can do that and I can't?" "You doubt my story?" whined George. "Well, if you don't believe me, then I don't see why I should tell you the rest..." - Hehehe.
accountkiller0231092 chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
aww, I love george's children! It's a pitty that you did it an one-shot... :D Very sweet, though
iMissHP chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
It's a lovely and very moving story! I loved it! "George liked to think that he encouraged in his children a respect for the rules and what breaking them would mean for them... if they were caught." There is some funny sentences like this one, or when George acts like a kid.

It's a sweet and cute fic. Very vivid and creative, with light moments and also some serious moments that were amazing. I like how Fred stays a big part of George's life, but it's not angsty. You did a wonderful job with post-war George and Snape's punishment was awesome! Great fic!
ariex04 chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
Aww. Sweet story- I liked Roxanne and Fred. Great job with this!