Reviews for Spirited
Guest chapter 50 . 4/4
Sienna get meloi to thunder wave cal so he can’t Move. Finally she got Meloi to attack cal for once. Her brain returned thank god! I think she lost it just before she left home!
Guest chapter 46 . 4/4
omg ur Scottish! Me 2. I guess you’re from the islands or somewhere coastal because of the storm but idk. I’m in Glasgow! I can’t believe it! I mean, I did notice you used pounds in a previous chapter (the puffin competition). Good luck with whatever ur writing now. Love the story!
Guest chapter 44 . 4/4
But wait. Does catching a pokemon mean they will listen to you, since a lot of Sienna’s pokemon are quite...spirited! Or is this particular type of pokeball able to invade a Pokemon’s psyche and go like obey cal volbeda. And then the pokemon s like ooh gimme some of that servitude!
Guest chapter 39 . 4/4
There’s something off about Wallace...
Guest chapter 27 . 4/4
Very nice.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/2
To be honest I’m not too fussed about the levels. I take them as a vague estimate of when a pokemon will evolve when looked at next to its power level. An average, if you will.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/2
I think sienna needs to slow down a bit. Even if she gets to hoenn super fast then she won’t have trained enough so it makes sense to just go slowly and train along the way and by the time she gets there she’ll be ready. Can’t she see that!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/2
She does know what pokeballs do, right? She doesn’t NEED to jump into the water.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/2
I got it? The Jet thing. It made sense to meee
Guest chapter 7 . 4/1
It would be amazing if she won *i don’t know yet let’s see...
Guest chapter 5 . 4/1
The only thing is that I know I’ll be annoyed at her ignorance, but maybe that will also end up as a blessing?well I guess I’ll see
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1
I’m not sure if I’ve read this before but it looks good insofar
brnicholas chapter 26 . 1/13
I have been enjoying this story and wanted to take a moment to compliment you on the way you have captured the cartoons in your descriptions. There were a number of places in this arc where I could easily see exactly how the cartoon would have animated the scene. Good Job!

solnishka chapter 35 . 11/16/2019
Well, this chapter was certainly, uh... a heck of a lot of exposition. I'm not the biggest fan of the whole "you are the Chosen One" spiel, and I feel like Sienna got a lot of information just handed to her in this chapter rather than deducing it through honest detective work (snooping around, getting to know Sootopolis, eavesdropping, etc). However, I know it's my own personal bias against Chosen One narratives coming into play, so don't make too much of it.

So only two weeks, huh? That's not very much time to train and gather people! I can't wait to see a reappearance of Jasmine, Nikki, and Elliott (and maybe even Scott). And Sienna caught TWO pokemon in the Safari Zone, rather than just one. Haha!
solnishka chapter 34 . 11/15/2019
Poor Sienna; she got so frustrated in this chapter! I think Trapinch will be her next pokémon, so long as both she and it survive the horde of Weepinbell and Victreebell. In the beginning of the chapter, I'm surprised that Sienna doesn't have a sense of vulnerability without her pokemon - they've been her only companions for four months, and now she's surrounded by wild pokemon without their protection. I think Trapinch is a good pokemon though! It will eventually evolve into a flying dragon-type, and Sienna will get to fly around Hoenn with her team.
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