Reviews for Invidia
Guest chapter 6 . 7/3/2017
this was beautiful. no other words are necessary.
29th.spirit chapter 6 . 9/2/2015
I wanted to review this for a while now (have been reading it on my mobile and I've trouble with writing reviews on that thing)...

I really liked your depiction of Ulquiorra's character! Cool and withdrawn, somewhat hot and cold at the same time and mostly intense... The lemon was tastefully done. Really enjoyable read!

Please do write moaar Ulquihime!
sonder this chapter 6 . 7/3/2015
You explored the emotion of love well, especially from Ulquiorra's perspective, and not once did he act out of character, a feat in of itself. The way he struggled with it was very realistic as his confusion and bitterness towards something he does not understand, much less control, are things that are not quite so farfetched for his kind of character. But as much as you had him ruminate over his feelings, I felt that something was missing and that something was -how- he came to love Orihime. You said it started even before his revival and death, essentially in Hueco Mundo, and you portrayed glimpses of what he admires ('hates') about her but it sounded more like a list of qualities rather than a solid experience. The journey of this story was more about how Ulquiorra comes to this epiphany of his love for her and as much as you had accomplished that, I feel that love does not come easily to this guy (as you had clearly acknowledged and shown here) so I expected more of maybe flashbacks (or even present-day events) of what he sees in this woman and how infatuation became love... or really, how did the infatuation start at all if ever. I know there were moments you demonstrated his beginning intrigue and such from the past but with the kind of 'torture' he's putting himself through for Orihime, I just had to see - just like what he sees - what was so worth it about her that he's willing to suffer these feelings he used to scoff at.

As for Orihime, there was one thing about her that bothered me in here. The way you said she no longer loves Ichigo once he went berserk; I know for the sake of UlquiHime romance in this story, you had to resolve her feelings for Ichigo somehow but that's just not her character. She is one of the most passionate characters who is very honest about her feelings in the series so for her love towards Ichigo to be so flimsy like this just kind of detracts from her characteristic sincerity about her feelings. Perhaps you could stick with this route and say her 'romantic' love for Ichigo has faded over time but she still loves him all the same; it is just a different kind of love - the kind she carries for her friends. Love comes in all kinds of flavors and not just for lovers.

Another thing is Orihime would not let Ichigo's hollowness scare her away from her feelings - she has witnessed his fall many times and still stuck with him regardless. It wouldn't make sense (as you had also noted in the beginning of the story) for her to fear him but not Ulquiorra's killing attempt on her friends... There needs to be a consistency even if the 'love makes you crazy' excuse sounds convenient. Otherwise, this was a very nice character study on a what-if Ulquiorra falls in love scenario.
blue sakura chapter 6 . 11/10/2013
Very romantic,and i enjoyed the further elaboration of love but what's gonna happen with rei or is she going to be cut of the picture just like that i expect more action from friendship betrayal but not a job at all (_)
metalhead030908 chapter 6 . 11/3/2013
Wow, that got me hooked indeed. Very well-written, very fluid. Kudos! This is a masterpiece, one of the finest. :)
Angelus Erreare chapter 6 . 5/6/2013
That was down right amazing. The descriptions on the emotions were so captivating because...they are real. Kudos to you.
Galaxytrain chapter 6 . 1/2/2013
Soooooooooo lovely, I freakin' love this. :)
Gramatica chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
I am absolutely blown away at how ridiculously amazing you wrote this! There was no OOC as far as I could tell and your grammar, spelling, and information were all flawless. The pace of the story was perfect and the scenes were beautifully thought out. When it comes to this pairing, well-written fics are rare ;) I'm glad to have found your work in someone's favourites! Keep up the amazing job smart one :) I look foward to reading more of your masterpieces!
nipnag chapter 6 . 2/26/2012
this story is pure EXCELLENCE! i'm surprised it doesn't have more reviews. please please please continue it!

your characterization of ulqui and hime is spot on and i really enjoy reading how you depict their train of thoughts, the inner turmoil etc. it is a complete waste if you choose not to update it :/ i'm sure many readers would agree with me!
Veleum chapter 6 . 11/13/2011
Another great AU. 3 You write them so well. :D
NkG-Fics chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
AWWW U must update! I must know what happens next! Just gotta say, this is a great story and you're a good writer, not many people could pull it off the way you have and I'm just jealous!
none654321 chapter 6 . 7/4/2011
I loved this story :) Looks like you are no longer updating it, but I still wanted to leave a review.

Most of the Ulquiorra fics I have read where he is in the human world are after he turns human. So first off, I think it is great that you left him a Hollow, and therefore true to himself.

He fell in love with Orihime in spite of it, and I think that makes it so much more powerful :)

That aside, omg he is so freaking hot and sexy in this story! Would have loved some more explicit lemons, but it was really good even without them.

Outstanding story, I am very happy I stumbled across it, it's definitely going on my favs.
Rin Sessys Girl chapter 6 . 1/13/2011
Damn you for no lemony goodness you evil person you. XD But I must know... Is this how the story ends? I know upon looking at the description for the story it doesn't say anywhere within it that it is complete, but the way you ended this chapter makes me think it is. So, if you don't mind, do give a message back to tell me other wise so I may stick this on Alert. However if it is how you wish to end it, than I would feel pretty foolish if I was to Alert it now. So you can now see why I ask.

Other than that... I love how you tormented the Espada to no end. XD I almost feel bad for him, but oh how I love him so. You are such an animal Ulquiorra. _ And your actions and thoughts only prove this to be, oh so very true. Drama and conflict go so very well with romance, wouldn't you agree?

If this is indeed not the end, than I do hope you continue this quite soon. Until than... I shall take my leave.


RSG (A.K.A. The Flamer Killer ~ Will give your flamers hell to pay! XD ~ Also Sin Mortis on DA and Fiction Press.)
ulquiorraxorihime4ever chapter 6 . 12/20/2010
please oh! pleeeease! update soon continue this story i need to read next chapter oh by the way loved the lemons please continue hope you update as soon as possible please:) love this story
Fureya chapter 6 . 10/9/2010
This is a really good story. I hope you continue it!
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