Reviews for Through The Wrong Side of The Looking Glass
Village-Mystic chapter 20 . 8/19/2010
A few tears, but certainly an interesting look at an almost Torchwood universe.
Village-Mystic chapter 19 . 8/19/2010
Not sure if retcon is the right way to go. Maybe he could be come Toshiko's best friend?
Village-Mystic chapter 8 . 8/19/2010
Sounds like a possible Torchwood Cardiff hire, for the research and agent training, perhaps?
Village-Mystic chapter 5 . 8/19/2010
A mystery within a mystery. Where or when is Jack stashed away? And why would Jack continue to look for criminal, nearly-lost-cause-Ianto?
Village-Mystic chapter 3 . 8/19/2010
Should Jack be checking to see if there isn't a Jack in cyro? That would be a big change, if he wasn't there.
Village-Mystic chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Very interesting AU situation. Maybe this world's Jack left with Ianto when the team wouldn't accept him back?
Orion Lyonesse chapter 20 . 7/25/2010
Very good story and worthy ending, if tearful, for all concerned, including this reader. So glad Andy has something to look forward to and will be watching after Ianto for our Jack.

Keep writing!
Stormreaver01 chapter 20 . 7/24/2010
Thank you for writing your story with such integrity, depth, compassion and drama - right to the end. I'm glad you stayed true to the 'heart' of your story and didn't settle for an 'easy' ending. You kept it real all the way through. And your characterisations rang true. I hope you consider doing another 'searching for Ianto' story because you're so good at it. Thank you again.
cjh4ever chapter 20 . 7/24/2010
So Jack didn't get to take Ianto back with him. What a pity. But he did get to say a kind of goodbye and to see him on the way to a better life. Great interaction with Andy who, for me, has been the star of the story. You really brought him to life.

Thanks for a great read, I am going to miss my daily fix. chapter 20 . 7/24/2010
Ohhhh i have to know if he ever finds the ianto he is looking for...i have become obsesive on this story...please continue with a sequel or moe chapters and excuse typos am on a blackberry
Orion Lyonesse chapter 19 . 7/23/2010
That was an amazing chapter! I loved and cried at each goodbye, especially with Andy. So glad you decided to explore his character for this story. Also, you made Suzie's character fresh and much more appealing than in TW canon. Well done!

Keep writing!
cjh4ever chapter 19 . 7/23/2010
So sad for Jack to say goodbye to people he's already lost once - Suzie and Owen - but even worse with Andy who he's only just got to know properly. Each one was spot on, their reactions were perfect. I was surprised when Suzie offered to go with Jack but, after thinking about it, I think that was very like her.

So now we have just have Tosh left.

Unless Andy does something with Ianto other than retcon him? Like persuade him to return with Jack maybe ... Okay, I'm just a sucker for happy endings. I'll wait as patiently as I can to see what you decide for them.
Orion Lyonesse chapter 18 . 7/22/2010
A very entertaining chapter, intense, too. Love the exchanges between the two Jacks, especially the last one, and their differences.

Keep writing!
cjh4ever chapter 18 . 7/22/2010
Another great chapter, quite a thought provoking one.

It's amazing how different your two Jacks are, just by taking a slightly different decision over whether to engage with other people. Both choices are valid but 'our' Jack is much more likable. And the team are still professional and loyal, even poor confused Andy.

Now, is Jack going to meet Ianto again? I hope so.
Gems1986 chapter 17 . 7/21/2010
I have enjoyed every chapter of this story,love jack and ianto as a couple, I really hope there is goin to be another chapter. Keep it up x
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