Reviews for Love's Labours Lost
Ines Kanoyan 53 chapter 18 . 3/27/2018
I loved this! I am reading all your 1xR fanfics. You just write them so well. I always get warm fuzzy feelings whenever I read your stories. Please write moreeee!
justwildbeat-rhythmemotion chapter 18 . 7/13/2015
That was such a good story it was really great I loved it
kansa chapter 18 . 3/20/2015
This was fun to read. Made me laugh and made me mad. I wasn't familiar with Vash and Van, but I may have to look into their series. I was kinda hoping Duo would take the place of Quatre in the story, but Vash was able to fill the humor roll pretty well. My favorite scene was the initial introduction of Heero and Relena. I must have read that chapter 3 times at least. Milliardo dying was very sad. Would have loved for a last conversation between him and Heero. You know the whole big brother being deadly even though he was dying thing. Thanks for the story!
Revy679 chapter 17 . 4/14/2013
I just have to say that Dorthy as a lawyer with the last name so perfect for her ego! HAHA
Revy679 chapter 18 . 4/13/2013
Holy crap! This story had me scream with laughter, cry my eyes out and go awwwww with ooooober major warm fuzzies at the end! Awesomeness ladies!
Revy679 chapter 9 . 4/12/2013
I feel so bad for Vash! Why do they insist on being so mean to him!
Revy679 chapter 7 . 4/12/2013
OMG so far I have to say this is such a delightfully funny story!
I love Vash and the kitty he saved is oooober adorbs!
This story is starting to become one of my favs!
Cherrysinger chapter 4 . 8/31/2009
OOH! Van Fanel...yay for Escaflowne! Vash, I know he's from another anime too but one I haven't watched. I know it's popular though. One of those action types. Does it have to do with vampires? Anyway, this is like a mini crossover in itself. Kind of reminds of Tsubasa, already existing characters all thrown together, but different situation.
Fanruby chapter 18 . 6/26/2009
Great story. Totally, loved it.
flipped chapter 18 . 11/17/2007
kudos rose and stella! you never do fail us.
flipped chapter 13 . 11/17/2007
urgh! to hell with door scenes! they always make me feel crushed.
Sandy Rain chapter 18 . 11/16/2007
Hey! loved the story, i've read it a million times. Its even better when i read it over and over agaiin.

Big fan of you guys and the story.

Malcolm Yuy chapter 18 . 2/1/2007
I know you may not read this...

But I wanted to say I loved your fic. I thought that everything was great: characterization, plot, storyline, setting, everything...which was why I put it into Favorites.

So, I just wanted to say I loved your story. I loved it all.
Rexnos chapter 18 . 4/17/2006
Holy crud...

That was amazing...

I was getting a little scared I was going to have to pull an all-nighter to finish it, but I'm pretty sure it would have been well worth it. That has got to be one of the best fics I've read off this site. End of story. It's in my favorites without a doubt.

I'm starting to realize that I'm sick and tired of reading all of the stories that stay with the plots of their respective video games. You guys and CM do an excellent job of writting utterly original stories. Make up your own names and you could publish this stuff. Seriously.

I'd start on what I liked about this, but I'm afraid I got it all jumbled up in the storyline. There was just far too much to be mentioned. As for criticism, you've got to be kidding me.

Amazing story,

esberet chapter 18 . 1/23/2006
Wow, I thought I had already reviewed this fic after staying up late at night and reading the whole thing in one sitting. It was totally worth it by the way, I loved it. Vash was awesome, Van funny, Quatre hilarious, and of course Heero rocked. I loved the concept of the story, it sort of reminded me of your other one on Blissfull Ignorance, "Work Daze?" I really like that one, too.

Please continue to write Heero and Relena fics, there aren't that many and yours is by far the best.
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