Reviews for Beautiful Dreamer
firerosedreamer67 chapter 7 . 4/20/2018
Another reread of this little dreamy romp!...
firerosedreamer67 chapter 8 . 7/13/2016
A tale to smile over!... Love reborn. ...Love in all its attachments! ...
wenduo chapter 8 . 3/8/2015
Very nice end, happy for the two reborn Elves to be together again Kind of funny Legolas came with sexual problems. In the end all four of them kind of have sex on their brain xD
Sure you may not feel for it. But i have to say i think you could have made a good prequel about Past Glorfindel and Legolas of Gondolin. I image it could have been a good angsty/romantic story with a tragic end. Mostly because they had to die too be reborn.
wenduo chapter 7 . 3/8/2015
Very good couples. I guess when you make it reborn kind of Glorfy and Leggy suit each other very well, good idea you made here. Still very sweet confused after that kind of two souls in one body. It is not easy to be good on that one. Haha poor Erestor i'm not sure how much pleasure it was for him? xD
wenduo chapter 3 . 3/7/2015
Quite interesting idea. It always made me wonder why did Tolkien have two characters with the same first name? But it's non conection between them. I agree with you that they may not be the same. Still like how you play with it.
Reggie chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Oh my god! Dude! Warn people when you're writing slash! I'm scarred for life man! Ewwwwww!
CatInSuit chapter 8 . 1/9/2013
I've quickly becoming a fan of your writing. I just love good dialogue and well constructed characters.

I started reading this expecting it to be mostly humorous seen the humor tag, so the sudden angst in the middle was a bit of a surprise. I'm however a fan of angst, so it was okay in the end. Also since you managed to skilfully end it in a happy ending despite the dark themes, even if I like angst, it's always nice to have a happy ending :)
The swifts between the two souls of Legolas was a bit confusing, especially in the start, but I guess it was the intention.
(Also, it's nice to read M-rated fiction with such themes that is actually well written. There is a diverse collection of these stories, both in amount and quality. Nice to find ones that are, well, more of the good side )
CatInSuit chapter 6 . 1/9/2013
-"They are coming."

"Erestor! Using far-sight to spy on such a moment is completely unethical!" fumed Elrond, unable to squelch a spike of jealousy over his cousin's gift of clairvoyance.

"No!" the seneschal tried to glare, but could not suppress a snicker. "Not in that manner. I mean they are approaching the Lair together on foot. Let us go out to meet them."-

I have read the whole story but I needed to comment on this since I legit started laughing at this part. Elrond how dirty minded are you to jump to that conclusion lmao.
chai chapter 1 . 1/14/2012
*grins maniacaly* ohhhh... what can you say to that, mister elrond?
angrycupoftea chapter 8 . 9/20/2011
Loved the story, great job :)
Freddie23 chapter 8 . 1/23/2011
Good story, very different but...entertaining (I think that's the word I'm looking for). I got a bit confused as to which Legolas was which at times but I suppose that was kind of the point so it worked well.

I really love your writing style.
Veidrik chapter 8 . 10/6/2010
Wow! Such a good story, I can't believe there aren't more reviews. The twisted Noldorin Lords are pretty hilarious :D . I love that the ending was happy. The darker parts were interesting, although a bit too angsty for me, and it all came together beautifully. So yeah.. Well-written, well thought out and all that jazz. :)
ziggy3 chapter 8 . 8/25/2010
I have just got to say again how much I love the humour of Elrond and Erestor while they engage in their horribly scary games! that final scene is...welll...what can I say!

I think also Curoniel deserves a mention- your scenes with her were really lovely, very emotional and loving.

So a happy ending for Legolas/Legolas and Glorfindel is redeemed - and Elrond and Erestor, well - they are happy too.

You write so well - crisp descriptions and such full characters and a strongly structured narrative.

What's next?
ziggy3 chapter 7 . 8/17/2010
I love the humour of the final bit with Elrond and Erestor! Loved it when I first read it on LOTR fanfic. And it's such a happy ending to all that angst and nastiness-and I think you worked the resolution really well, convincingly and with closure for both of them. Keep writing please!
Kiril chapter 6 . 8/13/2010
I'd love to see the rest of this story posted here! Please don't stop- I've just recently found this story and am awaiting more. I've been a fan of your work, beginning with Feud. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to write, particularly since you write so well and so wickedly! Please keep it up!

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