Reviews for Restraint
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
No need to change what worked for them - right?

Most definitely!
Gitana del Sol chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
very well written i liked it a lot :)
Betherzz chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
good one... the 2 of them have some sort of weird relationship, always have even without the touching, they have that whole eye sex thing going on that makes mcgee so uncomfortable... but what ever it is the 2 of them have works and hope that they enjoy it while they can ;)
Schmaltzy chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
One thing she did not tire of, however, was the feeling of him pressed up against her, skin on skin, his hands skimming along her hips, her lips trailing up his neck, the only sounds being soft utterances of repeated names and the occasional gasp of breath.

She could never tire of the feel of him, not after she felt him once. He was hard to forget, that Tony was.


Ooh - at turns sweet and hot! Excellent balance.

Great oneshot. I'm off to check out your other NCIS fic.