Reviews for Starry Night
SunnieDoodles chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
This was so beautiful,well written,and made me feel a lot...

Thank you...I lobe Bo so much!
Mage the Observer chapter 1 . 7/5/2010

Absolutely beautiful, and with an interpretation of the theme that runs more deeply than just about anything else I've read.

Good luck in the contest.
Ciella chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
I was glad that this lost-and-found entry didn't have to do with death, but I guess I was hoping for something more than the loss of what appears to be a weak friendship. I wish you best of luck in the june contest still.

Yours Truly,

SweetieLove chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
This is really good.. I have to say, they do have chemistry in the first place right? But with their age and all, I guess it won't be a surprise to see that they'll be friends first before the real stage of romance.. :D

Some of the words are too plain, and try too make more use of literature next time. Add more emotion to Luna. She should be the ill-tempered, feisty child not the morose, emotional baby sister.

Well, that's all I can think of right now, Leaf.

Good luck in the contest! xp

SugarTea chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Anyone who has ever lost a good friend can relate to this. I admit that I was turned off by the paring at first but you just executed so beautifully that I couldn't help but root for it in the end. xD I like how the romance wasn't forced, but stubbly hinted at just enough to interpret anyway you want. I think the fact that you kept it innocent for the most part was a good move. After all, romances come and go but loosing a good friend forever is just plain heartbreaking.

I really enjoyed this, and I wish you luck in the contest! :D