Reviews for Blood and Steel
David chapter 54 . 5/19
Hey just stopping by on my yearly read through of this amazing story. Thank you for writing it and I hope life is giving you its best. Be well.
Tenjo chapter 12 . 9/9/2019
I’m half hoping you’re not going to put Ilend and Aerin together, but it seems like that’s gonna be the case. No matter how flustered Gorgoth’s body made her the fact she flirts with him like everyone else is reason enough to think she’s not actually attracted to him, something that can’t be said about Ilend as she hasn’t flirted with him. Add onto that that Gorgoth can’t end up with her without completely breaking character which isn’t going to happen.

Dunno what it is, I just don’t like Ilend’s character all that much. Which is weird, as I much prefer using the human races, particularly the Imperials.
Tenjo chapter 7 . 9/9/2019
This is a weird coincidence. I was playing Oblivion today for the first time in ages because this story got me in the mood, not that I ever really played much of it as I all but went straight from Morrowind to Skyrim. I started off in Anvil and found an old ruin called Crowhaven. I cleared it out save for a door I couldn’t open and I was wondering where the hell I get the key from. I loaded the game up after reading chapter six and now in chapter seven, the ruin and the key are both mentioned.
Samo28 chapter 11 . 12/26/2018
First review on the story and I'm loving what you've done. Even if Gorgoth is OP as hell, it's still pretty awesome watching him wreck shop.
God1643 chapter 20 . 4/8/2018
I noticed Ilend mentioned that Aerin doesn't use both blades, then only trained her with one; and not even using the off hand so she could become accustomed to dual wielding.
Cyclone160 chapter 24 . 1/21/2018
I'm pretty that this fanfiction was completed a very long time ago, but whatever.
I'm a chronic, stubborn, non-reviewer, but your constant pushing of 'review review review' has made me review despite this prob being a dead fic now. I've been mowing through your chapters and I am a huge sucker for long ass chapters and an overly dedicated author. All I really wanted to say is that your fic is fucking great, and I can honestly say that it is now tied in being the best fanfiction I've ever read. Lol you were probably hoping it would take first place, but sorry I have too much of a soft spot for Love or Blood.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/22/2017
Hey, I know you are already done writing this but I really appreciate your use of advanced and appropriate vocabulary, (and I though mine was extensive). I really like the realism you put into your story with in-depth descriptions and whatnot, as that can be very hard to find in works of fanfiction.
Gordoth chapter 54 . 7/20/2017
Good one.
Now, I am not one to do criticism, but I don't think I could criticise you on anything.
You managed to make me, personally, feel attachment for a few of the characters, but most stingy was Selene's death, mainly because of the fact that exactly this kind of Death gets me every time. A powerful character, while doing battle in a relatively low danger setting suddenly gets ripped apart by an unexpected source of danger wielding more power than the powerful character. Didn't help that I had created the impression that she was an attractive in appearance person.
Other than that, I'm a little disappointed I didn't read this earlier. But then again, I was a bit too overwhelmed by other things.
You're good.
Get better :)
Abdullahsaurus chapter 29 . 5/1/2017
You weren't kidding when you said I'd not like the Orc. He just got his just desserts, hehehe.
Abdullahsaurus chapter 14 . 4/30/2017
Reminded me of Morrowind almost.
Abdullahsaurus chapter 7 . 4/29/2017
Wish in-game armor reflected the concept that Orc gear is of high quality.
Abdullahsaurus chapter 4 . 4/29/2017
Really loving this!
Abdullahsaurus chapter 3 . 4/29/2017
Abdullahsaurus chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
lazytomcatranch chapter 13 . 4/15/2017
Previously Gorgoth displayed no difficulty eating large amounts of food at The Feed Bag in imperial city. That would have been even closer to this supposed wounding mentioned in this chapter as a reason He threw up His food. Oversight, or an attempt to appease critics by adding in weaknesses to Gorgoths character?
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