Reviews for Dance of the Dreams
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
Curious oblique reference to Gadget surviving a gas attack and she,the sole survivor of the rescue Rangers going to work for NIMH on the request of the Rescuers/
animefreak2015 chapter 1 . 12/16/2005
very kewl. as both a rangers and a cthulhu enthusiast .. this was nicely done
Dudeth chapter 1 . 9/26/2003
A strange and interesting blend of disney and Lovecraft.

First that digimon cameo then this. Cthulhu everwhere these days...
McPoodle chapter 1 . 4/6/2003
This was clever, managing to be true to the periphery of a Lovecraft story as well as CDRR. And the nightmares were absolutely perfect for each character (Gary Stu!). Oh, and I hope you decide to post "The Mole" onto at some point.
SomeGhol chapter 1 . 7/19/2002
I agree fully with LoneHeart. This is one of the funniest stories I've ever read.

You poke some fun at alot of Ranger Stories, but not so much as to become insulting, all while telling an entertaining tale. I nearly fell out of my chair when Chip kissed Gadget then dove off of the building. It took awhile to catch my breath.

All your other stories are outstanding as well, I hope you finish "The Girl that was There" someday soon.

Once more, great job.
Loneheart chapter 1 . 6/9/2002
This is one of the best Ranger fan fics I've ever read. Although shorter than many of the better known stories, it achieves a crossover between Cathulhu and the Rescue Rangers without being unfaithful to either (something I considered but abandoned as impossible).

It is told with a fine sense of humour and manages to doff its hat to many of the big Rescue Ranger fan fictions while at the same time pulling their nose.
The corpse of the one known as Legato chapter 1 . 2/24/2002
Are you aware that some colleges have "cthulu clubs?" I know because there's one on my campus. They're scary people. They talk about sacrafices.

"We need money... and souls!"