Reviews for Made of You
CaesarCaesar chapter 13 . 7/14/2007
I am shocked at this story.

Not only is it beautifully written, it has the best plot line ive read in a long long time.

I cannot wait for the next section and you have no idea how much I enjoyed reading this.

I got up early this morning just so i could finish reading it!

Honestly, this is an amazing story, and i cannot wait for the next sections!

Alexia Drake chapter 13 . 10/11/2005
I love this fic! Please, finish it! :)
Lord-of-all-the-Cheesesticks chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
great story
Jessica chapter 12 . 12/11/2004
Gosh, that was GREAT! I hope you'll be able to update soon!
ChastityMorrows chapter 13 . 9/28/2004
AH. YOU MUST, MUST, MUST UPDATE ASAP! You have me on the edge of my seat here...
SPARKLING EYES chapter 4 . 9/28/2004
hm, it moves too fast, its obvious, no offence, but i tink its not very good
Lyra Tavington chapter 13 . 9/18/2004
Hm...well, I have to say that, this is a great story, and i have really enjoyed reading it. that raping scene sort of got me scared for a sec, but now i am not worried. I am hoping that it all turns out good in the end, cuz those are the best stories. i am eager to find out the ending.
carolyn chapter 13 . 7/26/2004
no you don't truly love us all! if you did, you'd have posted up the rest of the sections sooner, hm? but now it's more than a year later and there's still no ending... what are your readers to do? ;_;

haha okay so maybe i've exasperated the desperateness of the situation but seriously dude, please update. )
Miss Super Star chapter 13 . 7/18/2004



ally chapter 13 . 7/5/2004
WHy did you stop? AH! Need the ending! Great fic, but it's missing something- the ending! PLZ update!
Aimless Creation chapter 13 . 6/10/2004
wow, this is awesome!

I have some idea's for your story in the next chapter Hermione could remind Ron of a spell they learned in their like sixth year or something and then ron could do it to Draco and he could help save Harry from Voldemort. When thats all over Harry and Draco could get in a fight for Hermione because Harry could not hold in his feelings for Hermione any longer.

Pansy could storm in and call Hermione like a whore or a slut and the could wave a duel for Draco although they both know who he really loves.

I really like your story and i hope you update it really soon. )
Aimless Creation chapter 8 . 6/9/2004
k i know i said it before but this is really good.
Aimless Creation chapter 7 . 6/9/2004
This is an awesome story and holy crap what the hell was pansy doing when draco threw himself on top of hermione was she just standing there like she didn't care or did she leave i need answers and u got them... at least ur the one writing the story
T.O.D.818 chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
Toast Fly Girl chapter 13 . 5/31/2004
You have a truly amazing story here. You discribe everything so wonderfully. I can only find one thing wrong with it... The fact that I have to wait to read the end :'( Please update soon, and never stop writing. Hope to read the rest of this story soon, -Toast
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