Reviews for The Inns & Outs
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Love your Puckleberry stories! Hope you write more of them!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
MistressDrusilla1860 chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
lmao i jus love those two together they balance eaxhother out

betweentheraindrops chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
This was absolutely AMAZING. Puck was hilarious.

My fave lines were probably: "But those few days he tried using her for his rep she had turned on him, gave him some lecture, and didn't listen to his Yoshi rants. What the fuck. Yoshi is important, goddamit. He's critical to society as a whole - hell, that dinosaur was the basis of the economy or some shit." LMFAO.

Loved it!
xoxoallie chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
they are too cute :)
NDE01 chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
loved this!
Laurtje chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
"and didn't listen to his Yoshi rants. What the fuck. Yoshi is important, goddamit. He's critical to society as a whole - hell, that dinosaur was the basis of the economy or some shit." LMAO

"His arms are used for good (seduction, taunting, badassness) and not evil (carrying books, wearing sleeves)." - You're killing my by laughing :p

"t's just ... well, you try standing up to that female when she's in a rage. It's not easy. Shut up." You make me wanna see a Glee episode where we just read their minds, you know. And I believe Puck's would be HILARIOUS! XD Like totally clueless and all :p

samandy11 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
lol...i bet they conquered the world! and i'm from nebraska and is it crazy that i got super excited that you dropped that in there? i thought so too. ) very very cute story!
Holly chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
So much fun! So many pictures in my mind! countless laughters for a witty writing! LOVE IT
and-im-feelin-good chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
"His arms are used for good (seduction, taunting, badassness) and not evil (carrying books, wearing sleeves)."

Laughed out loud. Really.
cheapen chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Hahahaha, I love this.

Evil sleeves, genius.

[Nevermind that case of wine coolers he has stashed in the garage for just this occasion.]

LMAO, nice nod at canon! I love this.
CajunTiger504 chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
okay so I may have squealed when I got to the end of this story and that might possibly be why my roommates now think that I am nuts

lol best line - "Like, maybe if he could catch her when she was vulnerable and he just so happened to have a case of wine coolers on hand. Yeah, that'd probably work."
YouCompleteMe1990 chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
I loved this fic lol. It was hilarious, sweet, and I had to refrain from looking up some of the words Rachel was using LOL.

Puck's lapses in attention were amusing, and how he kept calling Rachel "crazy", because really; she is. There's no denying it and god knows Puck is the only one full of himself enough to withstand it lol.

Puck would also have a helluva time trying to get Rachel drunk! I could just see him getting fed up with her telling him why drinking was bad, and why he shouldn't do it, and it ends with Puck drinking them all himself. Which probably wouldn't end well, because her fathers would come home and see him all drunk lol.

Anyway I liked your story, you're a great writer :)
metaphor chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Puck and his thought processes made me laugh several times. I think my favorite line was this one: "He's not a very good fucking Jew to begin with. He's just good-looking. Big difference." Heh.

I'm wondering when it was that Rachel realized that she'd rather be with Puck (did it happen that day Puck saw Finn's car outside her house?), but overall, this was so enjoyable to read and it worked nicely. Great job!
puckleberrylarkftw chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
girl ... this is absolutely freaking HILARIOUS! writing it from Puck's POV is always awesome because, let's face it ... he's a sexy dirty badass stud ... that's always a fun read! i have to say, your angsty fic is great ... but you're in your groove with funny one-shots that are written in Puck's POV ... that's where you totally rock! so keep it up BB! and i love you for mentioning me on your AN ... you're a sweetheart too! looking forward to your next story!
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