Reviews for Not So Easy, Is It?
shugokage chapter 4 . 5/16
Nice job on this chapter and story!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/8/2018
When are you going to come back.
ANTI REAPER chapter 5 . 11/25/2018
I am already hooked on this story from when I first read it and when you did this announcement I reread it again and I still love it same with a couple of others like azerothian devil, the son returns, hire of the juubi, and Emerald emperor to name a few they've all caught my eye and I love him and it takes a lot catch my eye and for me to actually love them I usually like them butt I have about 50 that I love out of I don't know like 400 FanFictions that I have read on this site so far so keep up the good work and continue being awesome
Uzumaki Shadowfox chapter 4 . 8/9/2018
please continue and update the next chapters soon
Mijoy chapter 4 . 7/15/2018
That is a very fascinating story. What happens next? Is Beast Boy somehow familiar what the devil itself (devil is father / uncle / ...)? Please update soon.
Eris chapter 4 . 6/29/2018
That is a very interesting story. Please continue.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/4/2018
You should continue this is a great story so far
dshayyoung00 chapter 4 . 11/2/2017
This is a great story you should continue
LeMarX chapter 4 . 6/5/2016
Im afraid you need to be more specific on what happen with BeastFire
Silvereye-BW chapter 4 . 11/18/2014
This story is just awesome, and I hope you start to update again. The plot is very unique and the background story that BB is starting to have is pretty awesome and I can't wait till you reveal more about BB. Raven being a runt and wanting BB as the alpha to help her become worthy of him. Please update soon.
ramsay chapter 4 . 11/22/2013
very interesting story a shame you stoped
Just some guy chapter 4 . 3/4/2013
Cliffhanging.. like a Boss.. UPDATE!
Sammi 007 chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
Kenju chapter 4 . 1/28/2013
*rubs sleep from eyes* Oh boy, this is going to be a tough one. Canon Nazi side trying to take over but I will do my best.

First of all, there actually was a comic where this sort of happened. The Titans had their powers mixed up, either it was due to the Amulet of the Champion of Games or Mumbo…or it was both, I cant remember and I don’t want to go digging through the archives to find it. BUT that comic had something similar, but with very different results.

Robin got Starfire’s powers, and was almost completely incapable of using them for quite some time. Not because he doesn’t feel emotion, but because her powers require EXPRESSING emotion, outside of anger, annoyance, etc. He was able to get the hang of it though after Starfire hugged him and got a little weepy…not sure if he was having THAT much trouble or if her was just milking it.

Starfire in turn got Cyborg’s powers…err…she became Starborg at least. She was the least happy of the lot due to her fear of how others would view her. Odd thing though, and I loved every bit of it, she was one of the only two that didn’t need any help or explanation for how to use his abilities. She KNEW everything, every system and every gadget. This was nice evidence to throw at the people that keep thinking of her as being dumb or ditzy. Dumb people wouldn’t be able to fight without any difficulty in a robot/cyborg body they had never been given instructions on using.

Cyborg in turn got BB’s powers. Odd thing here was that he didn’t turn green, he only got BB’s powers, not Sarkutha (sp?) so he wasn’t green, he was black as the day he was born. Of the group he was the one who least wanted to fix the situation, happy with his old body back. BB only had to give him a few pointers on how to use his powers and he took to them pretty quick, MOSTLY. He was able to shift just fine, but wasn’t able to actually work up the rage needed to access BB’s more powerful and larger forms, like the T-Rex, Tiger or Lion. He used some others just fine, he just didn’t have the anger.

Then comes BB, who got Raven’s powers…which is where I have a few little…complaints. Nothing HUGE, just canon Nazi you know? BB flat out couldn’t use any of her powers. He didn’t know how to focus chakra to mold magic, he couldn’t remember the incantations to use spells, but most importantly, Raven’s Soul Self STILL holds a grudge against him, its been carrying it for years, and that one issue it took every opportunity and chance offered to screw BB over. From ‘turning off’ while they were flying over the ocean, to ‘opening’ when he tried to block an attack, the list goes on and on. Point is, Raven’s Umbrakinesis (any time you saw the black shadow) is not a power per say, it’s a living sentient being that Trigon bound to Raven that’s an extension of his soul/self/being. Raven can use it, unless Trigon turns it off. People keep thinking its just a power of hers, but its not, its alive, and boy does it remember.

Raven in turn got Robin’s martial arts knowledge…and she actually was far better with it than Robin, combined with her advanced knowledge of human biology she was extremely dangerous. Essentially she became Brave the entire issue.

Aside from that, the plot follows pretty close with your forte, BB having a connection to Raven’s past, and also something akin to a connection to godhood.

There is one thing I would like to draw attention however, something you touched on here that I honestly cant remember the last time I saw used.

BB’s acting ability.

Rita, or ‘Elasti-Girl’ was an actress before she became a hero, and she had quite a bit of experience/success in that role. After BB joined the Doom Patrol she was one of his teachers, and she taught him a great deal of acting to help with his role of Infiltrator for the team. Those lesions also happened to push him towards his childhood dream of being an actor, which he was for a short time.

Still back to my point, you did a beautiful job with this story in showing his acting abilities and skills, how he was able to fool so many people for so long and SO WELL! You made it believable and very close to his original comic incarnation in that scope, something I’ve only seen done…oh, two, maybe three times across this site since the show came out? I’d really love to see you expand on this skill and trait in other works, not having him as a ‘person of many layers’ or ‘deep emotional levels’ but simply as a guy whose a *very* convincing actor when he wants to be or needs to be. He can wear masks of emotion just as well as Robin when he actually cares or has reason, and you showed that PERFECTLY.

Keep up the good work, and keep your fics going. I know you have plenty of people say this, but that’s only because its true. You have skill, you’re good at writing, and your only going to keep improving the longer you keep writing. It seems like you’re still trying to find…I don’t know, its like you’re looking for the perfect combination for a fic and so you keep recycling certain parts. As you do this you also keep improving your skill. I cant wait for the day to come where you find just what you are looking for and what you want for a fic, because when that happens all those skills you’ve been developing over the years will come back and pay back in full.

See you around dude, I cant wait to see what you churn out next time!
Dracco chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Is the story dead?
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