Reviews for Add By Dreams
Nykyrian chapter 7 . 12/5/2019
Really loving the story, noticed a few inconsistencies like kakashi actually did tell them about the exams previously with anko, buuuut it's easy to play that off as "playing dumb" in front of the other team especially since you mentioned the genin for three months part. I really hope you keep updating even if it's still still slowly.
deathgeonous chapter 7 . 10/30/2018
Ah, you know, I forgot that you genderbendered Kakashi in this fic to make a true All Kunochi team in it. Ah well, nice fic so far, looking forward to seeing more of it, and bye for now.
Seraphina Nova Black chapter 6 . 4/25/2016
one of the best stories I've read so far here. Awesome storyline and good writing. I really love it, so please continue.
Elasour chapter 6 . 2/23/2015
I'm so sad. Please make Haku be alive in this fic. PLEASE!
amerdism chapter 2 . 3/10/2014
Awesome and hope to see more real soon
Rhavis chapter 6 . 2/3/2014
*goes for next chapter*


lovleydragonfly chapter 6 . 6/21/2013
nooooooooooooo please continue! dont abandon this wonderful story!111
Guest chapter 3 . 4/29/2013
"That bastard!" Naruto's voice shrieked out. "I'll kill him, then revive him and then I'll kill him again and again and again! I'll destroy his murdering ass!"

You know, the Rinnigan can actually do that...
elenchus-m chapter 6 . 9/1/2011
The story seems interesting. I admit, 'Naruto gets a bloodline' has been overdone to hell and back, but you manage to make such a story readable without pushing her into Godmode. I commend you.

How often do you update?
deathgeonous chapter 6 . 8/20/2011
Hmm, first off, thanks for coming back to this. Second off, this is quite good and I'm greatly enjoying this. Third off, because of, A, your little lines in between the parts of the chapters, B, the bloodline you gave her, and C, just because I can sorta see it happening, I'm wondering if your going to make Naruto into some fucked-up version of Pein. I seriously do wonder about that. Well, thanks for writing this, bye for now. PS, come back soon, ok?
skepsis66 chapter 6 . 8/18/2011
Wow... that's certainly an intense battle. You write the action scenes very well - all the details stand out in sharp contrast and each movement flows smoothly from one to the other. Definitely one of the more memorable Wave arc fights I've read. This new Team Seven is very interesting to watch - the dynamics have changed from canon, with it being an all girl team (not to mention the swift death of Sakura's crush from finding out that Sasuke is, in all actuality, a girl). Thanks for the update!
InARealPickle chapter 6 . 8/18/2011
Just because the gender of some of the characters has changed, doesn't make this rehash of the Wave Arc original. And as you should know by now, we've all seen and been bored by the Wave Arc thousands of times.
InARealPickle chapter 5 . 6/26/2011
dark-wolf-howl chapter 4 . 3/30/2011
Sasuke/Naruto pairimg? That might prove interesting. Good story, very original, please keep updating!
clippit chapter 4 . 2/10/2011
bwahahaha...what a funny way to ruin one's outlook at being genin!

("Welcome to the wonderful world of D-ranks kids, enjoy your stay, you'll be doing them for the next little while." Kakashi grinned at the looks she was getting pulling out her small camera and snapping a picture at the look of bewilderment, surprise and disgust.) the way i just wanna ask if there is any pairing for naru here? or is this a naru x harem kind of thing? if so please let me know! . the curiosity is really kiiling me here ; - ; anyways great job and i hope that you will update soon! until next time! ja ne! ;}
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