Reviews for Rude Awakening
DaughterOfPoseidon49 chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
hi~ just wanted to let you know that a user named jensooconverts on wattpad has 'converted' your fic into a jensoo fic, basically just changing names and a few details, and posted it with 'credit'
I don't know if you knew about this but since the same thing happened to me as well and i just found out about it, I decided to warn the other authors this person 'converted' from, here take a look at it yourself

httpswww. wattpad
CCarbonmonoxide chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
I read this spashley fanfic in 2008, I believe, and I was but a mere 13 year old child who still believed that by loving girls, it meant I was not entitled to a happy ending. Now I am 22, and much has changed. But, I realize now how important this story has been for me. How much comfort I obtained from it. The characters you essentially created, have kept me company at different times, where I needed it the most. When no other could provide the company. How many times have I reread this? It feels like an old baby blanket. Something that belongs on my bookshelf, amongst other of my favorite tattered books. I carry my love for this story like an old family photo album. Truly one of the first time I felt a sense of representation in the world. It simply motivated me to write and maybe to exist. First, a journal, then a silly spashley fanfic in which I tried to process my emotions on how to love when it is not desired, and now so many years later, a not so silly story trying to convince another that we deserve happiness. No matter the form. Now I see you haven't posted anything since 2014, and I can't help but wonder. Who you are and how you have been, like an old friend. I know these words are small and maybe generic. But I wanted to thank you. To tell you that some fanfic you wrote nine years ago is still so precious to some twenty-two year old nurse from Montreal. And I wish you nothing but the best, everytime I see a bottle of Pepsi or someone just even a slight inch shorter than me.

(I was wondering, if you would mind it, if I printed this story and binded it into a book?)
dnmann chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
if anyone is still looking at this. The rest of the story, all 131 chapters, and the sequel, Growing Pains, can be found on the Spencer and Ashley forum. You have to register to read. Search by the author name.
Not as easy to read, but the chapters are there.
dnmann chapter 12 . 11/30/2014
this is a beautiful chapter.
melirufus chapter 34 . 5/15/2013
I love it !
1319 chapter 34 . 4/14/2013
Please finish posting.
Ciao chapter 34 . 11/14/2012
Please, I need this.
phantomslap chapter 12 . 9/2/2012
Damn. that shit sucked, deep. Heavy stuff going on here. Good, good read so far. I expect nothing less.
phantomslap chapter 8 . 9/2/2012
Spencer is such a bitch. Can't put it down; holding tower in my arms. I started reading this sober, but jumped into a bottle of white wine (I Don't drink wine that much), Great read so far. Just finished inhaling lightning and clicked on the writers persona name to see other shorts, to find this work and have to say mucho impressed. This was their first work; big ups. p-slap
luvmeh8meucan'tchangeme chapter 34 . 8/2/2012
OK this is gonna be a short review but I just gotta say you really really really need to finish this story PLEASE. I've read some other reviews and some say its already finished? Idk just please I wanna know what happens. You are one of my all time favorite writers. And not just for fan fictions for anything I've ever read. You are one of my favorites. (I think you should be published...just my thoughts) anyways please finish this or post more. i can't get this story of my mind. I seriously love everything you write (I read only spashley though) but I'm SURE that the Glee fics are just as good. So Please! I've been AWAL from this site for months and I made a special effort to log in with my incredibly long password and email adress just to tell you this! So please. I know I'm begging but I'm sorry i don't know what else to do. I just want it finished you don't have to do it all at once cause i understand if your busy (i am. We all are I understand) But please? :D
Dominomino chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Is there any chance that you can still finish this story? Please don't leave us hanging :(
babykennedy chapter 34 . 5/11/2012
Ok so I have no clue what freaking rock I was living under but I NEVER read this before... And I have to tell u. This is one of the best things I've read in a long time, books, fanfic, everything! Seriously.. I know its been forever but please please please for u newly acquired slave finish this.. U cannot leave it at the silent treatment and them not joining the mike high club... Plus I think it would be funny if they didn't do it in the bathroom but in their seats... Lol. As kinda a payback if u will lol. But any way u want to do it... Please update.

Lilmac45 chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
I just re-read this story it really is great. I hope you post the rest of it soon it's killing my own imagination is starting to kill me. Pretty pretty please Post soon...
Brighton Early chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
Are you gonna put the sequel on fanfic or is it somewhere else?
Palspashlex chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
So, I think you should repost the whole story here, seeing as the other website is now completely out of commission. I went to reread it the other day and was sooooooo sad it was gone! So, yeah. It's my favorite Spashley story of all time. You should post all 130 or whatever AMAZING chapters here. Grammatical errors and all. That's all :)
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