Reviews for Lianna
scarletstrong chapter 48 . 1/25
This has been the most beautiful, heartwarming fanfiction I have ever read and I have read thousands. Thank you for posting this and finishing it.
Sakura123 chapter 48 . 12/22/2017

I liked Lianna well enough as a character. I think the lead in for the character that establishes her for the majority of the chapter instead of halving it between Lianna and then an established character (like Boromir) allows the readers to connect to the character and her life better.

I think the relationship between Boromir and Lianna is the most interesting aspect of this story, because it’s where the bulk of the original content for the story resides. For the first eleven chapters, I do like the fact that you allowed the two characters to least get to know each other before delving straight away into the romantic angle of the story.


One of the major problems with your story is, if it ever was your intention, that I don’t feel enough was really done to deviate or differ your story from the three films itself and make it your own. And as a consequence, Lianna feels like a character duct-taped onto a story where she did not exist, or otherwise fit.

This is particularly apparent in sequences like the entire Helms Deep chapter, where she is allowed to fight with the men and defend the helm, but Eowyn, the literal shield maiden who is probably better in combat than Lianna, isn’t, and maintains her original position in the plot (down underground with the women and children); or even when the end of the story decides that she must accompany Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli to fetch the army of the dead, and later, the battle at the gates of Mordor, even, though, in all three instances, she really doesn’t contribute much to those elements of the story and for lack of a better word, doesn’t need to be there.

Chunks of dialog and sequences from the film were used in the story, and were only interrupted by Lianna’s original dialog interjections, really don’t change the dynamic of the scene or conversations itself if you understand my meaning. A lot of Lianna says is simply reiterating what other characters say (only wordier), and a lot of her dialog or interaction with the canon characters (who aren’t Boromir) end up feeling insincere as a result. For instance, at the beginning of the story, her conflict with Denethor (the implication that he would kill her, or that he would call her a whore), feels like a clumsy set up to pair her with Boromir on his journey to Rivendell, but not something Denethor would actually attempt to do (influenced by Sauron or not) because one "low-born" woman dared to disagree with him.

There’s also a reoccurring theme of having her do things other characters did otherwise, or simply did not or did not notice, that kind’ve demonstrates how little Lianna as a character actually contributes to the narrative itself because the story is following so closely to the film’s plot.

Another problem I had with the story was Lianna’s power. “The Sight” is used to the convenience of the plot and has no real set of rules or limits. While it’s clear you tried to create fallacy and limitations (largely through the character’s self-doubt in her own her abilities, things that kinda limited her abilities, but not really), I don’t feel enough was done. I think I would’ve had a fairer time accepting her ability of foresight if it wasn’t omniscient in such a way that she could fix or foresee literally every problem presented to her.

Like, why can she vaporize Lurtz (the Uruk-hai that wants to kill Boromir)? Mostly because I gather it’s convenient to the plot and an acknowledgement that your character beating an enemy that even Aragorn struggled to beat would be absurd, but I’m not sure the tradeoff here is any better. Why does she have superhuman healing abilities? Largely to save her would wounds that reasonably should've killed her and removed her from the story. Why can Lianna see what Gandalf or other demi-god or god-like characters cannot? Mostly because I gather it’s convenient to the plot. Why does she have Stardust-esque level moments where she’s literally glowing? I gather to empathize how special she is, but it really doesn’t contribute to the story in a way that doesn’t draw attention to her status as an “Original Character”.

For example: Galadriel's powers, for the most part, could be explained by way of her lineage and the ring of power she wielded. The fact that she isn’t an active participant in the LOTR storyline probably diminishes what is effectively an OP character. Lianna’s family being almost Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esque, but with a power-set that has no real limits and changes from plot-point-to-plot-point, is irksome to say the least.

Lastly, I think you missed a huge opportunity to do something with Boromir’s character besides kick him out of the story whenever you wanted to focus on pre-established narrative sequences with Lianna as the POV character. Boromir decided to leave and return to Minas Tirith while everyone was fighting in Helms Deep? It would’ve been far more interesting to see your take on his homecoming as opposed to a simple sequence of him being berated by Denethor and being forced to choose between his home and his girlfriend. Boromir’s recovery following the battle of the Pelenor Fields, with Lianna present, would’ve been a far more interesting story angle as opposed to Lianna going to the gates of Mordor because it was something that happened in the movie.


I go out of my way to avoid “Tenth Walker” fics because they simply rehash the film or they don’t put enough narrative limitations to their original (female) characters. I ended up reading this one because there was no indication of it in the summary, which could be interpreted any sort of way. I enjoyed reading this for the most part because of the dynamic between Boromir and your original character. The story has some interesting ideas, but I think a lot of it is hampered by merely being a straight retelling of the film with one more living canon character and an original character strapped to it.
Bitterblue007 chapter 48 . 6/23/2017
This was the most AMAZING Lord of the Rings fanfiction I had ever read ! I fear that when I will read other Boromir x Reader fanfictions, I will be disappointed, for I know they will be NOTHING like this one, not even close. I am so sad it's finished though...
Bitterblue007 chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
I am SO GLAD you chose to not kill him
GypsyWitchBaby chapter 48 . 1/22/2016
Absolutely adored this story! Thank you so much for sharing it!
CaptainYuuki chapter 48 . 8/7/2015
UGH. Ugghh. This was SO wonderful. Goodness, I don't know how to put into words my love for this! It was so well written (though there were typos) but... it was really excellent. Thank you for spending your time writing and I hope you continue to write!
CaptainYuuki chapter 24 . 8/6/2015
thank you for not killing him! Man, this story is REALLY great.
Samantha chapter 48 . 3/7/2015
Hi! I have to tell you that I really love your 'Lianna' fanfiction! I am sad it is over! :( haha It is very well written and I could see myself walking alongside the characters in their journey and through your writing, and I was able to put myself in their shoes and be in their place on the journey. You have a great talent my friend! I hope to read more from you in the future :)
D chapter 48 . 10/18/2014
CarminaxBuranax chapter 48 . 12/31/2013
That was a really really wonderfully written story. Your character development was absolutely marvelous, not only in Lianna's case, but also in Boromir's as well, which is very important and something most fanfiction authors forget. From Lianna's tendency to bite her lip, and Boromir's to get over excited and try to cut her off with questions, they were perfectly developed. And they both had their flaws as well - I feel as if I know them myself.

The only suggestion I would have made, had I discovered this story in the works, would be for Lianna not to say something about her sight as often as she did.

However your plotline was also very good. It wasn't very predictable, and you definitely kept me on my toes.

And of course, the ending was beautiful. Not just between Boromir and Lianna, but I loved that you threw in that moment between the entire fellowship. So thank you for a very, very wonderful story.


P.S. I know it is probably a lot to ask, but if you ever get the time, do you think you could write a chapter about Boromir and Lianna's wedding? I would love to read a chapter about it. To be honest, this is actually the second time I've read this story. :)
Beloved Daughter chapter 48 . 12/8/2013
Really awesome story! I loved it! Wonderful way to spend a rainy day - reading your story. :)

Thanks for writing and posting!
Beloved Daughter chapter 6 . 12/8/2013
Hehe. Chapter 6 has quite an amusing typo: I couldn't stop laughing over it. "I have already promised you that no HAM will come to you by my hand." No ham. Hehe. ...then again, I'm in a weird mood and that just struck me as particularly amusing.

Great story so far. I look forward to reading the rest! :)
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
Update immediately, please!
InezSophia chapter 48 . 7/3/2013
Such a beautiful and well written story! I loved it so much that once I started reading it I couldn't stop! (It would have been nice to have a one shot story when they are married or with children :-) )

Well keep it up!
JoCozy chapter 48 . 5/19/2013
I LOVE this story - fantastic!
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