Reviews for Fantasies
JarOfIdeas chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
I know what this feels TT
Sys-Pin chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
oh my god this speaks to me in so many ways. Thank you so much for writing this, it's amazing.
Addiction chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Depressing much?
DracoJane chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
This story had a very sad ending, but ironically it reminds me of myself. I was a lot like that and felt pretty alone and misunderstood. I always imagined meeting the straw hats in real life, it would have been awesome but just like in your story, it fades.
ANDKO chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
...I feel sad.
Lyneel chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
prettty depressing, no...? Cause this is so true in some cases... It's very scary to feal like the only one in the world...

I'm glad you decided to write about this, though, on the other hand, I cannot think that all the encounters with the world of fantasies are bad. Gladly, I know countless situations when, in fact, they taught people the colorfulness of the reality, black included, and helped them to go through it with the head held high, cherishing life and being more conscious of other human beings, all the "real" existance... Fantasies are not always dreams of an escape - they can become a cane supporting us on our journey to fullfil the very dreams themselves :)

again, glad you chose this topic - good work, keep it up! *
Kirjava444 chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Excellent! It hits home, because during high school I would always daydream about a dragon swooping down and carrying me away from reality. But as nice as that sounds, it IS a sad thing to do.
zealousfreak27 chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
Wow, both depressing and hilarious at the same time. It was probably depressing to me because I have stupid fantasies that are hauntingly like the one in this story. Thanks for writing.
Atherys chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
Aw, crap. Now I'm all depressed D:

Better backtrack to one of the crack ones
LadyoftheShield chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
Sad... I know, we all wish these would happen, but Robin is right, we have to face reality...

AHH! Be right back, Chopper fell off the ship.
Nova Rhea9d3 chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
I really liked this. It painted a picture in my head very decently, it also made me feel like I could kind of relate. I don't see the characters, but I sometimes see them as if they do, in fact, live their lives like anyone else would. :)
dadeedoo chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Oh... Wow... That was depressing... Are there really people out there like that?

Argh... Ah, anyway, I really liked how you portrayed the Strawhats, all in character, and the girl was the perfect picture of a social recluse (or how I stereotype them).

Fun and a bit traumatizing to read, thanks for writing it!
SpanishPirate chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
wow just wow like everyone else said, this was me back like in high school...and I'm still like this when I'm a little bit depressed or bored. They are such awesome characters how can't you know think of them in your life, but you gotta face reality (which sucks).

Amazing story :)
The Animaniac Dude chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
yikes. this hits a little too close to home, seeing as how this was me way back when. of course, it wasn't one piece (hadn't even heard of anime, come to think of it) but this is so much my past it's scary. good story!
MadRabbit chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
You...this... ...Nnnnngghhh!

It's just really mournful and you created a character who's just like a normal person to base it on... It just makes me really happy (for the good story) and sort of sad (just for the concept). I just...really like it.

I'm so coherent. Thank you for being awesome!
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