Reviews for The Color Pink
TubbyPusheen chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
...girl knew sasuke had someone and still slept with him yet Sakura acts like she’s innocent (0 o) I mean why act like it’s only sasuke at fault chapter 6 . 9/19/2019
And I’m now squealing like a little fangirl.
Saiyagurl87 chapter 15 . 9/16/2019
Loved it!
ChimamireNoBara22 chapter 15 . 4/11/2019
So cute! I've never read a SaiSaku fic. I'll have to start reading more if they're all as amazing as this one! Great job and very believable character reactions :-)
EmeraldBlossom17 chapter 15 . 4/27/2017
loved it
geovy chapter 15 . 12/24/2016
I love the story thank you.
TaimmyJ chapter 14 . 5/9/2016
Second time reading this and it only got cuter! (I just finished but I can't review twice on chapter 15)
Ara Hanami chapter 15 . 4/9/2016
Hello! it's me who request the kimiko and sasuke story. I forgot to write my name in the last review so I just thought that I need to write again and put my name so here it is .
Guest chapter 15 . 4/9/2016
Awesome! Great story. I just finish it. I never though that Sai and sakura pairing could be this good. Btw great job for making this successfull story. I can say that I loved it! _ I'm just quite sad that kenji parents didn't get married or fall in love with each other. I do want to make a request, can you make a story about sasuke and kimiko? Even the short one is okey for me. Sorry for the sudeen request. btw it's up to you to write it or not don't feel burden about it and please don't feel guilty if you decide to not write it. Over all I loved your story and you make me ship this pairing too now _
KJ chapter 15 . 3/5/2016
TaimmyJ chapter 15 . 12/14/2015
Yume and Kenji... I ship it! Also the second bubba squeee! babies are so cute!
TaimmyJ chapter 6 . 12/14/2015
SheWolfMedjai chapter 15 . 7/12/2015
That was soo sweet! And very well done with Sai's social learning!
Los Grotos chapter 15 . 3/15/2015
How adorable! I love how everything just fell into place for them.
Los Grotos chapter 14 . 3/15/2015
Precious children are precious :3
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