Reviews for The Way Home
Meilean chapter 10 . 6/10
Hi Montez, hope you read this comment after all the years you wrote this story.
I really enjoy reading you storys about Caleb. I love this carakter so much. You made him a little more with feelings and hugs for dean. I like this very much. also when a little tear appears in the boys eyes.
You use him perfect in your story! Im from Germany. But to read in english its so much more feelings coming through. Thanks for writing Brotherhood AU storys espacially bout Calab.
Do you know if there is one about what happens to him after he witnessd his parents death. How he was brought to live with his grandma? I thought about to write one but want to look first if there is another.
Many greetings an keep writing!
7kstar chapter 22 . 6/2/2012
I really enjoyed the story. I needed some hurt Caleb and John and you gave me both and added angst Dean to the mix. Plus I like how you have John is a hard-ass, but one that cares about his boys. This is the John I love. I hate that the show started rewriting his character.

I did find some words that you didn't mean, such as fell instead of feel. I know how easily it is to over that, but there is such a strong sense of character and an interesting idea of how Caleb can help with his abilities to save John. So I hope you will continue to spin us some Brotherhood AU stories. I know how much I love and need reviews, so I thought I would return the favor by leaving a review after reading this enjoyable tale. Keep writing! :)
cdewinter78 chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Hey, luck is not something you need - you have talent enough witout it... now wishing you the ability to stop time, so in my world the up-dates come faster, now that's interesting! LOL.

Great Start I love the way you plunge us straight into the action but keep us with you- the recap was nicely done also, for those who aren't familiar with this awesome character, but also as a reminder of why Caleb Reaves is so tied not just to the Brotherhood but the Winchesters. Thanks for the read. Abi.
pielover62 chapter 11 . 8/17/2010
I am enjoying this story very much, but I do have some constructive criticism and I hope that you will accept my comments in the spirit in which they are given. I would suggest that you proofread your work for spelling and grammar and not rely solely on the computer’s spell check. I noticed several instances where a misspelling resulted in another word or you used a homophone of the intended word, as well as a number of simple grammatical errors. Since it can be difficult to accurately proofread your own work I would suggest having someone else do it for you. Just a suggestion. I think it would help make this wonderful story even better!
rog457 chapter 22 . 7/28/2010
Lovely father/son moment between the hard-ass Winchester men.

I'm glad that John took the time to reassure Dean that not only was he proud of him but that he loved him and that he and Sammy where the most important thing in his life.

for the moment anyway, all is right in Winchester-land
rog457 chapter 21 . 7/28/2010
Its very telling that the two people Caleb was the most concerned about accepting his starting of a business was John and Dean. He knew Mac would be thrilled and Pastor Jim would always be happy with whatever any of his boys would want to do, but John and Dean might see this as his distancing and abandoning them.

I'm glad he was able to reassure Dean that he would always be there for him no matter what.

Family is whats most important.
rog457 chapter 20 . 7/28/2010
I have tears in my eyes as I write this.

I love the scenes between Caleb and Dean where Dean allows himself to express his emotions, which he really only does with Caleb. Caleb is both big brother and best friend, two things that Deans needs desperately. Its wonderful that Dean has Caleb and knows he can turn to him for the kind of comfort he wont accept from anyone else.

Its heartbreaking that in addition to feeling that he was losing both his father and his best friend he was also worried about how he was going to take care of his little brother. No 15yr old should have to worry about that, to think he would be all alone with that kind of responsibility. Of course he wouldnt be but thats who Dean is.

Great chapter.
Anne1013 chapter 22 . 7/26/2010
Congratulations on other story well told! It was nice to see John and Dean have there moment, but I think they were too few and too far between otherwise. Family is everything to Dean and it is painful that those in his immediate family don't always give him what he needs. That is why I love the character of Caleb. He fills all those voids.

Thanks again for a wonderful story! I enjoyed it a lot.

alwaysateen chapter 22 . 7/25/2010
Now I see why this story needed an epilogue. :) Nice conversation between father and son. :)

I'm always amazed how Dean put everyone's feelings and need before his own.

Excellent story.
alwaysateen chapter 20 . 7/25/2010
I just adore the fact that Caleb see Dean not just as his best friend but also his little brother, so cute.

This connection must be hard to bare sometimes, with all the emotions Dean keep deep inside, but I'm sure Caleb thinks it's worth it. :)
sammygirl1963 chapter 22 . 7/25/2010
I loved, loved, loved this scene between John and Dean. It is so what I've been waiting for. I must admit it brough tears to my eyes as Dean's emtions nearly broke as he whispered his fears to John. I'm so glad they finally had the chance to talk and that John told Dean how much he loved him and that the boys were what got him through!
sammygirl1963 chapter 21 . 7/25/2010
LOL, loved John's reaction to finding out that Caleb had indeed drawn on his cast,

You had me worried for a few minutes that Dean would withdraw again with Caleb's glad Caleb was able to convince Deabn that nothing would change!
sammygirl1963 chapter 20 . 7/25/2010
That was awesome. Watching Caleb finally pulling Dean out of the funk he has been in for so long. Caleb new exactly what he had to do to get thru to Dean!
Anne1013 chapter 19 . 7/24/2010
Nice scene between Mac and Caleb. The Brotherhood is not not for the sharing and caring, so it is always fun to see them suddenly thrust into a chick flick moment,

Looking forward to the next two chapters.

sammygirl1963 chapter 19 . 7/24/2010
So nice to have a comfort chapter with Cal;eb and Mac talking about what happened and just basically being there for each other. I lookf forward to seeing the Winchester comfort scene hopefully in the next two chapters. This has been such an awesome story. Thanks for sharing it with us my friend.
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