Reviews for The Road to Kyoto
Lau chapter 7 . 4/11/2012
Err... I actually feel a little foolish, leaving a review in something that hasn't been updated in more than ten years, but I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading this, and that you made a very good work with it. You might like to know I think this is the best fic where Soujiro tells his past to someone, I mean the best writing of it I've ever seen. Thanks for the great job, and I'm putting this on my alerts (not because I'm actually expecting to be updated, but to have this fic easily available for reading it later) Thanks and good luck!
Kaleeena chapter 7 . 6/15/2006
Wow! I love it! Update soon please! .
alittlebeat chapter 7 . 3/17/2005
Hey, this is FadingHearts here. I just wanted to tell you how great your story is. I mean, I can hardly find a realy good Soujiro/Misao fic nowadays. (there are some but, most of them aren't done yet)

I also wanted to ask you if this story is finished yet, because well in your author notes you made it sound like there was going to be future chapters but, you haven't updated since 2002.

And well, since it is 2005 now...I was wondering if you've given up on it. Which I hope is not the case, beacause I really, really like this fic. My only regret is that I didn't find it sooner. Well, if you could answer back, my email address is Mjacobbubbles I would greatly appreciate it if you replied telling why you haven't updated for at least two years. (And yes I know how stupid my email is, but I've had since I was nine and I've been to lazy to change it.) Also, you don't have to give a reason why you stopped, but if you could tell me if you are going to stop writing it, that would be great. (Only beacause I don't want to wait in vain)

Well, Ja Ne!
Kris chapter 7 . 8/20/2004
caitlin chapter 7 . 11/29/2003
Hi there! Good fic, bad ending! You didn't have them get maried or have Misao confess her love or them at least make it to Kyoto. I mean c'mon, you gotta have some more mushy stuff than that in a romance! I do love Misao/Soujirou fics though...good work!
caitlin chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
Whoa now! I think you're takin a bit too much lisence in the personalities of the characters! Soujirou kissing Misao for no apparent reason! Thats a little crazy! And also, I'm sure there is more than one Houji in Japan!
Squeaks-sama chapter 7 . 9/18/2003
Wow! i rilly like this a lot, plz do continue!
200 IQ chapter 7 . 7/5/2003
please do... continue... your story is just too good... Sou/Mi 2 little fics about this biatchez. need morre!
FabledOrange chapter 7 . 5/17/2003
Kawaii desu yo! I like it very much! Although it seems kinda fast, it's still cute! Please Continue!

A. Pikachu
Nekocin chapter 7 . 4/23/2003
::stares awestrucked at the chapters:: O_O What the...? That was darn cute! I mean, he'd really admitted it! That was so quick! I like the relationship there, the development isn't that bad. But definitely interesting. I wonder what's going to happen next. What does Aoshi want from Soujiro?

Keep it up! Please update soon!
ewunia chapter 7 . 12/7/2002
i love that fic. Why don't you finish it. I assume that this fic is not finished yet. You have started few other but never finished this one.
Kerrie-chan chapter 7 . 9/2/2002
waiii adorable fic! continue!
Maneshi chapter 7 . 8/22/2002
Konnichiwa! Anyway, I'll get straight to the point. Your fic was soo good. I liked the description. And I think that Soujirou and Misao actually make a pretty good couple. It's really cool. You GOTTA write more SOON! please! Ok, I'm calm now.. ::takes a deep breath:: Well, it's very well written, and you need ch.8 up a.s.a.p sayonara! -
Yoshi chapter 7 . 8/21/2002
such a cute story XD more!
Tsuki chapter 7 . 8/21/2002
WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED? I've read your fic since you first posted it haven't updated for like 4 months! FOUR months... *sits in corner and cries* please get the next chapter up soon *sniffle*
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