Reviews for My Silent Hero
Littly chapter 11 . 3/8/2016
This is such a great fic! I love the development of Zelda and Link's relationship, I'm happy he's finally talking to her!
CatLadyJr chapter 11 . 8/20/2015
I was cracking up at the part with the windmill! That part really got to me in the game too. Also, holy guacamole Link's talking! I'm absolutely ecstatic that you updated this story, and I hope to be able to read more in the future.
Ai Star chapter 11 . 8/17/2015
Hahahaha poor Link XD
Ps that windmill bit was funny
Guest chapter 11 . 8/16/2015
I forgot how much I love this story until the update! Thank you very much .
Mizunou chapter 11 . 8/16/2015
Wow he talked. And a lot! Gonna be fun to hear his horror stories and why exactly Malon calls him fairy boy. It's always exciting to see a story update after a long hiatus I'm happy you're still continuing.
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 11 . 8/16/2015
it returns! ooh the well.. lol it almost feels like links been through this before *winkwink* (sorry if im wrong its been a while since I read thisX3) and he finally decides to talk!1
Sipochi chapter 10 . 7/13/2013
Pleeaaaaaase say you're working on this! I read the whole thing so quickly I didn't even notice the last time you updated was in 2012! But please please please say you're working on this. Can you at least put in a note saying, you're not dead and you're working on it? Please?
NatsuhiLightning chapter 10 . 6/20/2013
Are you still writing this? It's been a while since you updated so I'm just crossing my fingers that a new chapter will show up. But it's understandable, your chapters are super long so it must take a while to write them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying you get you to write shorter chapters, never! It's fun having so much to read :)
(why don't I feel the same in English?)
Long story short, this story's awesome, hope you continue, and best of luck with all your other stories :)
Hinaichigo chapter 10 . 4/28/2013
I love your writing! So fluent and pretty! It's hard finding a decent Zelink story amongst all the ones that just seem like a made up game. I read this story a year ago and was disappointed when you didn't update. I'm ecstatic to come back and find a new chapter even though you haven't updated in some months. If you're still an active writer, I really really really hope to see continuation on this story!
xXxMariposaXx chapter 10 . 1/6/2013
Wow chapter ten was very long! Practically a while temple I hope to see more chapters that have as much story but I'll be ecstatic enough if you just update! I like how Ruto decided to be helpful at the end (don't see why she couldn't that in the game) and one of my favorite parts was the twist on the Dark Link battle. I can't wait to read the conversation between Link and Zelda after that. Or rather Zelda's half of a conversion
Guest chapter 10 . 12/20/2012
Oh my gosh this chapter was soooo long, I love it! The dark link/Zelda fight was hilarious! Keep it up c:
Critique Shell chapter 10 . 12/14/2012
An update? Then my prayers have been answered! I almost believed you weren't going to continue, but here you are with another chapter! Good show! Can't wait for the next one. Are you gonna do the Shadow Temple or Spirit Temple first? Seeing as it's optional; I've always went with shadow first, but apparently it's last. Ah well, preferences preferences. :)
CatLadyJr chapter 10 . 12/14/2012
Loved it! Every chapter i read of this makes me love this story more and more!
Ai Star chapter 10 . 12/13/2012
O.o Ruto doesn’t so labour? Then don’t get married! That’s a good point that lazy Zoran!
OO she’s actually asking if she’s annoying? What was her first clue?
Lol they left Ruto behind!
O.o wow her doppelganger’s... nice! V-v okay that’s just mean!
Okay! Where’s Ruto?
Lol Zelda not only beat the boss but hit Link in the chest!
lol that got Ruto and Zelda’s being cheeky as usual! But lol Saria heard everything they’ve said!
Lol the sages are bickering!

I think you need to change some words:
“he fired a round at the switch, startling Ruto which startled Zelda”
“This girl...just as confusing as helpful”
“"Thank you..." her suddenly talking caused him to stop whistling for a moment,”
“Zelda was that and a mixed of things.”
Generala chapter 10 . 12/12/2012
I havent read this fic entirely but I just loved it.. Im curious to know why Link doesnt want to talk?
and he and Zelda are just growing to understand each other in very special ways..
They are just so damn cute.. damn I love them.
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