Reviews for BlueEyed Monster chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
Oh goodness. Spike and his jealousy saving the day. Delightful.
Leslie chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
If only season 5 had ended half so well.
George chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
ROTFLMAO. Excellent work!
Caellach Tiger Eye chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Good grief, Spike can be a bloody cunning bugger when he actually tries, can't he? Poor Ben ... though I'm glad Glory is gone, of course, I always had a pity spot for her human half. Not HIS fault he obtained her personality traits of self-preservation and ruthlessness when they merged near the end ...

HAH! The demons are running about like headless chickens, when in fact Buffy is just leaving Ben a message! Though I do wonder what happened with Warren this time around, it's still interesting to see how casually Spike dismissed Buffy as part of his plan. Heh - best way to get her to like him, he figures, is by NOT nagging her directly. Good, he's learning. Still, makes a hell of a lot more sense doing what he did in the series proper, and it was more rewarding in the long run.

This was still plenty funny, though. Not absurd, either, which is pleasantly surprising.

applemysteries chapter 1 . 6/10/2010