Reviews for The Voldemort Diaries
TinkerVine le Fey chapter 86 . 5/6/2019
By far the best chapter so far!
Guest chapter 94 . 7/16/2018
A very fitting end to the diaries.

This has been a very well written and developed story. The way you are able to give each character a storyline that blended with the overall story arc speaks volumes of your skill as a writer.

Thank you so much for sharing this.
Guest chapter 94 . 10/22/2016
The most brilliant saga I think I have ever read! Your characterization are wonderful! Everything is amazing actually. I think this is my new canon.
Guest chapter 94 . 8/29/2016
Some more of the younger Malfoys won't go amiss
Guest chapter 77 . 5/13/2016
Quite a cliff hanger. Will Minster Shacklebolt somehow survive. Will Lucius go to prison for a crime he didn't do? You sure know how to write a story the reader does not want to put down!
AmericanMuggleborn chapter 51 . 5/10/2016
Suggestion for the Salazar Slither in Portrait: Hang in in the Malfoy Hall of Shame right next to Horatio Malfoy.
Dixie.f.9 chapter 27 . 1/14/2016
Well he could have sacked Sirus in privet. Lol
Kintama-Hime chapter 81 . 12/18/2015
Great characterization of Sirius. Disregarding (via inaction) important information because it came from Slytherins. One would have thought that after getting the warning that Greyback was on the prowl, he would have implemented a security measure better than a front door!

Love, love, loving this story!
Kintama-Hime chapter 36 . 12/17/2015
It must have been a blow for Severus to view Voldemort's sick pleasure at his most humiliating moment.

Ailine's evaluation of Dumbledore was spot-on: all those manipulations of Sev's guilt is bullying. Especially when Snape sold his soul to rectify his mistake, and Dumbledore failed to hold up his end of the bargain by letting Lily get killed. How difficult would it have been to insist on being secret-keeper?

Since he'd callously exchanged protecting Lily for Sev's spying, you'd think he'd take charge of keeping the secret. Instead, he foists the blame on Severus and brings up Lily's memory to achieve his own ends.

I'm sooo glad Ailine is there to give Sev the love and healing he so desperately needs.
Kintama-Hime chapter 18 . 12/17/2015
Well... This chapter is a jaw-dropper. I love how earlier, you hinted that Tom had the opportunity for an inappropriate relationship, and how you've elaborated on this here.

I wonder whether Dumbledore didn't give him the recognition he gave Minerva because he was trying to keep his distance.

It's interesting that the was the potential for Tom to be close to Albus and Minerva. Could those relationships have steered him away from his path of evil or have gone sour, just like the Dumble/Grindelwald friendship did?

Anyway, great food for thought. I love how nobody is 100% evil or good in your fic, although I suspect by the time of the Basilisc, Tom was a lost cause.
graynavarre chapter 95 . 4/18/2015
Rats, rats, rats - I went over to buy it and it is on kindle (which I do not have).

Will it come out in print. While I enjoying reading online, I really like a book in my hand and have been resisting kindle with all my might.
Guest chapter 94 . 1/3/2015
More snapshots of the younger Snape and Malfoy kids please. I want to see how things have changed in the younger generation, their reception and lives at Hogwarts etc. If you're up to it, maybe even Lily Potter and Scorpius.
nn chapter 94 . 5/7/2014
this series was absolutely great
i like the way you paced the story
i like all the twists.
your writing is amazing and i had fun reading
Guest chapter 94 . 4/12/2014
Moar Ladon! You can't go on about how precocious he is without showing anything further
Theo80b chapter 36 . 7/9/2013
Draco and Reg are not cousins, Reg is Narcissa's cousin...
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