Reviews for Messiah
Tamagoakura chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
Aw man, that was so sad. ;_;
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
I'm crying so hard right and this is so beautiful you are amazing omigod tears please sto
Haley chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Why did you make me cry? -Sobs in the corner- NOOOOO POOR MATTIE!
Asweetsymphony chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
Wow! That was very impressive. The complexity of their roles to each other as brothers as well as their individual characteristics was shown here really nicely in a dark and twisted way. Great Job!
Magic of Reality chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Amazing story~ made me cry
GreyMoth chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
I read this story a long time ago, but only just recently did it come back to 'haunt' me. It was actually one line in this beautiful story, and it's actually in your summary! 'Not everyone wants to be saved' I think it is. That line is the second last one in a play I wrote for drama, and seeing this story just made me want to tell you how inspirational you have unknowingly been :D
Alistine chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
This was eerie and beautiful and god, so sad on so many levels. I love the interplay, how Matthew's invisibility is just that - invisibility, because he's imaginary. He's dead, poor Matthew, but Alfred can't let him go and it's driving him insane. So psychological...I can't really explain it, but this touched me in a deep way. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Lydiacatfish chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
N-No, that wasn't bad! It was actually really good! One of your best, if I do say so myself, and I do. It took me so long to finally read it was just sitting there in my favorites, screaming at me until I was finally bored, and I'm glad I did finally read it. :)
RianLena chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
It's so strange and vague, just like your other stories I've read. But I really do like it (despite the buckets loads of angst).
Shay426 chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
mah nah huminah ha?

y-you can't just end it there? O_O
natcat5 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Oh...another one of these? Another these hat makes me shake and my breath come out in short pants and makes me want to cry?

That entire dialogue, with Matthew and Alfred, about how Al loved Mattie because he filled the role that he needed him to play...that was beautiful, that was so beautiful. It was...horrible, like blunt truth horrible, and it made me cry because it was so true. Why so true? Why did it feel like every word hit home with Americas character? So wonderfully horrible...

You...damn. Seriously I love you and your stories. You really bring something wonderful and unique to the Hetalia fandom. Each of your fanfics presents a new side to Matthews character, shows hidden complexities and different aspects of it from multiple POVs. I may have to refer back to these when I start a serious Hetalia fic that I'm planning. And in this particular fic, you also did it with Alfred. So wonderfully did you do it with Alfred.

You...ah~ I'm sorry, I'm crying because his fic managed to touch me so much. It just hit a wasn't even Matthew dying, it was...everything else. His explanation of Als hero complex, Als hallucinations of him, their relationship, how they were brothers but were lovers...

I don't know how you managed to pack so much into so little did. You really did.
natcat5 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Oh...another one of these? Another these hat makes me shake and my breath come out in short pants and makes me want to cry?

That entire dialogue, with Matthew and Alfred, about how Al loved Mattie because he filled the role that he needed him to play...that was beautiful, that was so beautiful. It was...horrible, like blunt truth horrible, and it made me cry because it was so true. Why so true? Why did it feel like every word hit home with Americas character? So wonderfully horrible...

You...damn. Seriously I love you and your stories. You really bring something wonderful and unique to the Hetalia fandom. Each of your fanfics presents a new side to Matthews character, shows hidden complexities and different aspects of it from multiple POVs. I may have to refer back to these when I start a serious Hetalia fic that I'm planning. And in this particular fic, you also did it with Alfred. So wonderfully did you do it with Alfred.

You...ah~ I'm sorry, I'm crying because his fic managed to touch me so much. It just hit a wasn't even Matthew dying, it was...everything else. His explanation of Als hero complex, Als hallucinations of him, their relationship, how they were brothers but were lovers...

I don't know how you managed to pack so much into so little did. You really did.
icy-piyo21 chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
-sniff- This was so great it touched my heart and I love it I just do and I love you too! -drags you out of your Cave of Shame-

shadowontherun chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
I was a bite confused with the constant scene change but it was a fun fic to read :)
CrazyAuna94 chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
*drags outta shame cave*

BUt i love eeeeeeeeet~!

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