Reviews for Even Fairies Have Dreams (Discontinued)
Miki.Koshima chapter 48 . 4/7/2016
OH MY GOODNESS! Halo! I can't get into my account, as I don't remember the password or anything, but perhaps you remember me as the young child who asked you for editing advice, back when this was an active story (what, four years ago? wow!). Does sound familiar, maybe? If not, it's all good. :)
It is so very nice to see you back! Hopefully I can get into my account once again, or perhaps start a new one. It's so lovely to hear that you're back up and writing - please know I'll be reading every chapter, and I am immensely excited for this! You are still a writer that I very much look up to and would like to support in any way I can.
See you around! -Mik
Anonymous chapter 26 . 4/7/2016
They almost kissed! ALMOST! if not for the attack... stupid pedo snake
offbrandgizmo chapter 48 . 4/6/2016
Hey! It's Maddie (that one who shares your birthday), thought I go by Alex now because hey hi hello I'm transgender. That aside, just reminding you of who I am!

I'm super super glad you're going to rewrite it! Your writing will be so much better now that you're older and more experienced and I can't wait to see what happens!

I'm definitely super duper on board with you!
lizyeh2000 chapter 48 . 4/6/2016
Yay ur back! Can't wait for an update!
Sam chapter 47 . 8/2/2015
I really want you to finish this fanfic plz
Sonata Fuling chapter 47 . 4/27/2015
I don't know, I'll follow the majority !
kitsune164 chapter 47 . 11/16/2014
This story is awesome and I would like the story to continue its getting good _
offbrandgizmo chapter 47 . 11/6/2014
I'd love for you to rewrite it :) I feel like there'd be a lot of overall improvement, especially in the beginning, and you'd be able to add so much, and refine it... I think it's a wonderful idea. And I'd love to volunteer beta-ing services, but I'm not sure how reliable I'd be, since school is very much a thing. If you're looking for multiple people though, I'd be here to help when I can :)

Sounds good, look forward to whatever you choose to do! x

Also, nice to see you again :)

-Maddie :)
zZSweet-JasmineZz chapter 45 . 5/4/2014
oh, and if my idea pleases you, you should Watch on youtube "moonflower blooming real time": it's beautiful!
zZSweet-JasmineZz chapter 46 . 5/4/2014
I really, really love this story: it's original, the writing style is great, there's romance and action... I simply love it!

As for your date thingy, well, Konoha is filled with forests and plants, right? So, how about Neji brings her out when the sunsets somewhere in the forest where there is a field of moon flowers (These are beautiful pink or white flowers which quickly open at night and last the entire night. They close when the sunlight touches their petals.) and fireflies! And hell, Neji could have prepared (with some help) a romantic picnic!

Hope the idea pleases and helped you!

Once more, continue! (and yes, I understand that College is a 'real drag' like Shikamaru would say ;) )
leikoashimage chapter 46 . 12/23/2013
Wow! I'm in love with this story! I've had a hard time putting it down! There are a few things I'd recommend though. Such as the time skips, and missing pieces in some of the chapters, but otherwise very good!
Sora22302 chapter 46 . 8/8/2013
Please continue. :-)
offbrandgizmo chapter 9 . 7/16/2013
TAIYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! 3 I've always had this secret love for Taiyou XD Dunno why. She's just amazing 3
Spirit of the Blue Jay chapter 9 . 6/2/2013
I like it please keep writing it.
nikkali44 chapter 43 . 1/7/2013
Hope you update I'm curious what will happen now that things are sort of settling down and what will come
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