Reviews for Burning For You
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
Why did you make Kiya have red hair? This is an ASAIN centered show. Asains don't have red hair... at the very least, try to stay true to the culture of the world.
GeekyDayDreamer chapter 11 . 3/24/2014
Ooooooh! Its getting really good! :) I'm really liking this story, I hope you continue it.
Haddi Etana chapter 2 . 10/1/2012
Woooow... The only thing that's ran through my mind the entire time was how crazy Kiya seemed when it said 'Death-Omen and Shadow-Song would feast'
Haddi Etana chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Hey, Hey dumb ass, think about your girlfriend and sleep, damnnit. Why must you be so freaking stubborn?
arost1 chapter 11 . 7/21/2011
WOW...this is AMAZING! this story DESERVES way more reviews it's bloody AWESOME!
Cdelancy chapter 11 . 5/8/2011
erasedaccount1 chapter 11 . 12/22/2010
Oh my god! I am by far so stupid to review this story this late... This story is amazing! I love Kiya and Zuko, the way their relationship grows is amzing! I love all of the chapters, the fights and confrontations, you made this story so contagious! I read it over and over again.

I agree with other people's comments, more people should give the credit for this great story!
caribou.and.cake chapter 11 . 8/6/2010
Oh gods, I am awestruck by this story. Seriously, you blew my mind. So well-written and the language is just GORGEOUS. You are an amazing writer. Though I was confused as to what time it was in the original series.

At first I thought that perhaps Irada and Kiya were going to be the same person, but I like the twins thing much better. Except Irada just needs to go away so that Kiya and Zuko can be together 4evs! Haha, but seriously though. That's what needs to happen.

Just please start on the sequel soon, because the anticipation is killing me.
a.moonbeam chapter 11 . 8/2/2010
This was great! I was about to freak when it ended before I read the little note at the end. I'm so excited to have a sequel! I can't wait!
SailingAwaySoftly chapter 11 . 8/2/2010
Beautiful ending, and I cannot wait for the sequel!

I'll be eagerly checking for the rest of the month. Best of luck.

Yours, SAS
a.moonbeam chapter 10 . 7/28/2010
Aw! The fluff! We all love the fluff, really we do!

This was a great chapter and I'm sorry to hear that it's ending. Really, I hope that you make a sequel. lol I'm addicted to this, I'm sure that I am.
SailingAwaySoftly chapter 10 . 7/28/2010
Arg, nooooooo. How could you end it like that? I'm begging for more! Now!

And I'm very sad that there's only one chapter left! This has been delightful to read. You've got quite the gift, my dear!

Can't wait for the last chapter. Best of luck.

Yours, SAS
SailingAwaySoftly chapter 9 . 7/23/2010
Ahh, cliffhand! Not fair. Please update soon! I love this fic so much- it's definitely one of the best ZukoOCs I've read.
clearspring2009 chapter 9 . 7/23/2010
CLIFFHANGER! Again. XD Hate those things. Love the story! It's great. And no, you don't suck at fight scenes. They're very well written. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Lady Fyria chapter 9 . 7/23/2010
Awesome chapter. You gotta update soon!

The cliff hanger was good, but your A/N gave it away. The cliff hanger said Zuko might kill her, but you said that Kiya doesn't learn his name 'til later chapters, so we know she lives. I'm glad she does, though. :D
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