Reviews for Get Your Kicks Like This
Kerbella chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Wow, I just read your serie and I really like it!
It's short but well written.
Now I ship Donny/Utivitch,
Herr Fritz chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
Hey! I must have read your three I.G. stories with Donny/Utivich a dozen times by now... but I'm finally reviewing (to my shame...). Wow. You really are a great writer, and are able to create stories that aren't just PWP (though those are okay every so often :P ), but also really delve into the character's personalities and psyches. I love how you've got this trilogy thing going...but I have to ask (beg/plead/hope/bribe) you to PLEASE write another! If I have to, I'll tell my other I.G. fan friends to read this and pester you until you do :P

I mean it. This story really is phenomenal. Not JUST this, but also Not Like You're Gagging for It, and Certain Not to Like. You capture the relationship of Donny and Utivich perfectly, and are able to take writer's liberties on many aspects of their rapport that aren't detailed in the movie... and you make it work! More than work- you make the story (and relationship) THRIVE. I particularly like how this starts off as a 'guys alone so we might as well...' and turns into this codependancy-oh-no-Donny's-falling scenario. Very complex, just like real life!

I realize this is a long review... but I don't review that often, and I feel like if you do, you ought to make it worthwhile to read (and helpful/constructive). Congrats on a great series of stories, and I hope you choose to write another (where the Basterds begin to suspect? Before Operation Kino? AU where Donny survives? Post war? Who knows!). If you do, please let me know! (I'm having some difficulties switching over with email, so I can't log in... but I signed this review with my penname... so who knows. Maybe you can let me know when you've continued your artistic brilliance :D

Have a great day, and congrats again on a successful story.
Abe chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
That last part was just so...asdfghjkl;
I'm reading this in public right now and your fic is making it hard for me to maintain my poker face.
DirtyChiChi chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
This is an awesome story, it's really well writen!
TinyCobra chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Yeah, I know, I've come late to the party here. But hey, better late than never!

Anyway, I've got my fingers crossed that one of these days you'll decide to write about these two again, and that's saying something because I'm usually damn picky about fics in ANY fandom. You're a fantastic writer and really know how to round out a character's perspective.
EYESviolet chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
Holy fuck.

This is the best Donny/Uti I've ever read. Hot, hot, hot. And ridiculously in-character.

Keep writing, my friend. You're effing extraordinary. And fuck, now I sound like some one-off virgin telling a fucking sex god that they're good. You are good.

Keep writing.

Like, now.

-E.v. ;D
Novelnova chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
These are fantastic!
someone from lj chapter 1 . 6/4/2010
heyy I noticed that the comments on your 100_scalps entry weren't going through (screened? or something like that) and I figured i'd drop a line..


Great story! Very very hot!

Loved the baseball-talk ;D
halloweeber chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
That was amazing. AGAIN.

I swear if I didn't know better I'd think you wrote the movie too, because this is just like they'd be in the movie