Reviews for Consent
skeoe chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
lightning and vanille? that could never ever happen
SweetestSuicide chapter 9 . 10/6/2012
I've never thought of Fang x Serah before, until now. It's such a cute pairing! Thank you for writing this :D
FalconTytus chapter 9 . 5/4/2012
awesome and beautiful- keep writing!
puchan87 chapter 9 . 1/12/2012
YAY! I love happy endings I love this couple really their just so cute!

I hope you make more stories about them!
puchan87 chapter 5 . 1/12/2012
dude! I really don't like snow how dare him try to kill lightning!
Juwpiter081 chapter 9 . 5/12/2011
I'm gonna probably end up hating you for making me stay up till 3:30 in the morning. But, damn, this was such a good story. Such a good sequel. Officially, you have brought me into Fang/Serah. Well, your Fang/Serah, anyway.

I liked the AN of Chapter 7- "Serah strikes me as an awkward character...". Honestly, my first thought was what kinky things would Serah be into? Funny and sensual.

I like Snow, but you were able to cast him a such a believable bad guy, I can't help but hate him in this story. You've done a lot that I didn't think I'd like, but I did anyway.

This was a good place to leave it off, as well. You don't want to smother your readers with an unending story. Sometimes, the best story is the one that leaves your mind open. I applaud your self restraint on that topic.

Kewh chapter 9 . 2/22/2011
Wow. Just wow. I finished reading Longing and Consent in two days. I would've stayed up to read everything but my roommate beat the crap out of me with a cactuar plush since the glow of my desktop kept her awake. XD

In all serious, this was truly one hell of an epic tale.
lipstickkxxx chapter 9 . 7/31/2010
omg amazing stories! i read longing and consent within like, a week. cant wait to read more from you :)
TehAverageWrites chapter 8 . 7/27/2010

I'm half surprised Tonberry himself didn't come to kick Snow's skanky ass, srsly I hate him.

Rly good writing, you made Snow seem like such a bad guy without actually making him such a complete A hole. And how You STILL manage to keep them not OOC
Flippythegrunt chapter 9 . 7/26/2010
I love you jk great story though
RubyDeeragon chapter 9 . 7/24/2010
Epic story from start to finish, I loved the pairings and how you kept everyone in character. Death to SNOW, hah! Loved it, can't wait for your next story, keep it up.
Rilora chapter 9 . 7/24/2010
A worthy successor to Longing indeed. It was all very well done and had me smiling many times. It is sad to see it end but to be fair, it is a perfect time to end it. As always, I will hope to see more sometime but I have no doubt the next fic will be at least be just as good as the previous too so there is much to look forward to! Especially if Fang keeps being the loveable over the top smart ass! You have done so well with each character's personality and I think that is what I enjoy the most.
Mint Tangerine chapter 9 . 7/24/2010
AWESOMENESSSSS! im kindof sad that its over though :'( I LUV UR STORIES! this one and Longing are Pure AWESOMESNESS! cant wait for another one of your awesome fics! And that lin that Lightning said about growing old together kindof reminds me of Inception if youve seen it...Anyway, i really like your story MAKE MORE!
Cpt.McNipples chapter 9 . 7/24/2010
It was a great story. A bit sad to see it end here but it was kinda of a good thing you ended it before became 20 chapters because now I don't have to bug you until the next chapter. And at that note, Back to Lucky Star! (and FFVI of course)
Major Mike Powell III chapter 9 . 7/24/2010
Well, well, soldier...


Now, I didn't read and review chapter 8 sooner 'cuz I couldn't actually read it. Probably a problem with the site. :S

But now that I have...

That chapter was...LOL (Evil smirk) Fang is a G-E-Nius! X3 THAT was most likely most painful "kick to the nuts" EVAR! LMAO I LOEVed it!

And this final chapter...*O* blew me away!

Mission complete! Helluva job, soldier!

Now, return to base for debrief and some rest. The drinks are on me.

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
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