Reviews for Storm Warning: The Rise of a Champion
CircusControl chapter 40 . 5/18
This is unbelievably good. I can confidently state that I have read my fair share of books throughout my life, and that yours ranks amongst the best, without a doubt. Thank you for this
CircusControl chapter 14 . 5/4
I can't believe how good of a writer you actually are, in retrospect
CircusControl chapter 13 . 5/4
man I' so looking forward to learning to love Antonia all over again. You're dearly missed bro
Chronos the tyrant of time chapter 6 . 4/16
I am going to keep reading as its fine but i hope you focus more in pokemon and their training and his evoultion as a trainer and less in dumb teenage romance at least in the background i hope
12451 chapter 63 . 1/12
I just want to say it’s absolutely criminal your story doesn’t have any more recognition than it does currently. It’s well written, coherent and super interesting! This is the first fic I’ve ever bothered reviewing because it’s that good!
sesshyluhvr chapter 63 . 12/9/2019
Wow, his father is in the the dangerous group stalking his son, said group which has no qualms in killing him if he crosses them...
Really, since Brooke was introduced she was suspicious, when will Cody show some brains? Knowing the above dangers, that this life is not for children & that potential end the world Darkrai... Its tiring, just want some smart paranoia please!
sesshyluhvr chapter 25 . 12/8/2019
Yessssss! I love when I'm right! It was so obvious, I don't know if I should be proud or not! Darkrai- Dark One...?
sesshyluhvr chapter 23 . 12/8/2019
Cody's doing alot to get Jared to not whatever negative emotions he has for him, huh?
Silder chapter 2 . 9/27/2019
Just noticed a small typo in the first paragraph of this chapter. Looks like a copy and paste error to me. Probably happened when you edited it last year.
Silder chapter 63 . 9/26/2019
Just wanted to throw a review your way to let you know I'm still reading and enjoying this fic. Will probably do a re-read in the next month or so. Looking forward to what is next.
cordo12 chapter 63 . 6/11/2019
So. This fic. THIS FIC. Alright where to start. The obvious, obviously. This thing has a waaaaaay too low favorites and follow count. I get that it's Pokemon, but there's still PLENTY of subpar Pokemon fics that eclipse this fic in those departments. It's so sad.

Why? Cause this thing, for it's ridiculous length, is somehow not only well written, but also mostly consistent. From what I'm getting from the story, we're not even halfway through yet and there's already THIS MUCH content.

I don't know how you find the energy to think of this many battle scenes, bruh. Anyone who has ever tried writing one knows how exhausting they are, so mad props to you.

And the characters. Aside from Frank, (who I find really boring to read tbh) every other character has some appeal and deeper side to them, as well as a dynamic of some sort with the other characters that reveal something about both of them.

Worldbuilding. Oh boy worldbuilding. It's so expansive yet most of the time it fits really well in the narrative, which I appreciate. Gonna be following what you're gonna do with this Darryl Jones character especially.

Also Reflet. Reflet about instantly turned into my favorite mon in this fic. So please don't let her die. That would really suck. Like really.

Oh yeah, and Derrick? With the Brotherhood? Interesting. Looking back on it this is actually the perfect move for a character like this and I somehow didn't see it coming.

Anyway, hope you enjoy writing this thing above anything else and looking forward to seeing more.

Have a nice day. Or night. Or Hanukkah. Whichever.
TheMythWriter chapter 16 . 5/30/2019
What felt really strange was raising a skarmory was more difficult than raising a Tyranitar, till now at least
kail420 chapter 63 . 5/26/2019
Great chapter and it just leave you wanting more, so here is to hoping for a fast update.
GameOfChampions chapter 63 . 5/14/2019

Just finished re-reading this fictional again and it's better the second time. Also its easier to get the overall plot too. Totally missed that Salem is the second Darkrai potential and that Antonia is definitely the third women Stella foresaw. Really enjoying everything, excited to see Colossal soon hopefully. Miss him lots. I like the focus on Cody's various pokemon but i feel bad for Mars. When the second pokemon is still first evo I can't help but think they're going to become some character death to bring some more for the story. Which while awesome would be sad too.

The second time around I'm also more invested in Brooke as a character rather then getting hung up on her as an agent. Still really looking forward to seeing the Brotherhood probably slip to Cody she was an agent. Lots of drama and growth.
Malsawmtluanga Fanai chapter 25 . 5/14/2019
'dick' is all i can say
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