Reviews for In the Sauna
Balder chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
I liked it.
a-perpetual-hiraeth chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
Love it! Haha, it's just like Cordy to get sassy - even with supposedly dangerous people like Faith. After all, she's not a "whiny little cry-Buffy." :P
Ltlconf chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Howdy Silver!

Ya realize this is one of the my favorite pairins. Both Cordy and Faith have real hidden dephs and strength as well as astoundin weaknesses.
warm-up01 chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
ohh i liked. wasn't sure who you were going to pair cordy with but then saw the first lines "Hey queen C" ...only faithwould say that. really nice little story.
twin who likes to travel chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
Another good story by you. Have you noticed Faith is a good match up for a lot of the other girls in femslash stories. I guess it's because she radiated sex appeal. However, I like her most with either Buffy or Dawn. I guess it's pretty obvious I don't mind femslash either. Since I reviewed your stories, maybe you could read the few I have written for Buffy T.V.S.. The first is Dawn/Faith and the second is a sort of sequel. It has Dawn/Faith in the beginning, but it's mainly about Buffy/Willow.
Lil' Miss I-Like-Girls chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
Mmm...steamy. lol. sorry for the lame pun but i couldn't help it. This was fun to read. It was an interesting twist to make Cordy and Faith in the midst of a sexually charged affair. Great job. XD
Steampunk Beauty chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
Say whaaaaa?

*blink blink*

I had never thought about this pairing before.

But now I have.

And you've made them steamy steamy hot. O.o
Dan Sickles chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
This is incredible. Amazingly exciting and fun. What's most spectacular (aside from the hypnotic sex) is that you captured Faith's "voice" perfectly, and Cordelia's too.

I cannot believe how incredibly well you write. Keep going!
Lodylodylody chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
Love Cordy getting aggressive at the end. Only she would have the nerve to try and become bossy with Faith. Wonderfully fun little story.