Reviews for Words Unspoken
loillllololololo chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
I personally like Chloe more than Vicki. Vicki's a coward and is wimpy, and she prefers to run and hide. She's a damsel in distress who always get captured every single page. Chloe doesn't get captured all the time until a year before the Glorious Appearing, and she's more brave. I personally like Chloe more than Vicki. Vicki's a coward and is wimpy, and she prefers to run and hide. She's a damsel in distress who always get captured every single page. Chloe doesn't get captured all the time until a year before the Glorious Appearing, and she's more brave. I personally like Chloe more than Vicki. Vicki's a coward and is wimpy, and she prefers to run and hide. She's a damsel in distress who always get captured every single page. Chloe doesn't get captured all the time until a year before the Glorious Appearing, and she's more brave. I personally like Chloe more than Vicki. Vicki's a coward and is wimpy, and she prefers to run and hide. She's a damsel in distress who always get captured every single page. Chloe doesn't get captured all the time until a year before the Glorious Appearing, and she's more brave.
Miss Marvel Nerd chapter 1 . 11/6/2012
cooperwho605 chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
I like it but you know that they get married and that was interesting.
RosieWilliams91 chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
Oh my word, your story was awesome! Please make a second chapter! I love stuff like this.. haha!
OROgoldenpair1 chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
huh, very descriptive. but you DO know that they later on meet the rest of the kids, right? i mean, i just had to say that, based on what he said at the very bottom... anyways, can you write a lionel story? maybe multi chap? I just like him alot, so... and also i wanted to know... that kid named... oh, i forgot. but he liked this one girl while they were in the desert (u know, the safe haven until carpathia came to attack, the one in the desert), but he was younger than she was and she didn't return the feelings. however, she did like this one asian kid that Judd met in jerusalem or something like that... I forgot. I wanted to know what all their names were. It's been a long time since i read the books... trust me, i finished them all the way to the 40th.
dancelvr234 chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
AWWWWW! There's nothing better than some cute Judd and Vicki fluff! That was wonderfully written. I loved the way you wrote each other their thoughts out beautifully. Well done :)
dkayla chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
I LOVED it! I really think u should keep going you r so good and u can really develope the characters and make them fall in love. But I u do give a plot. I hate stories that are all drawn out about them falling in love. Give it some action!
Mathlover15 chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
I really like this story of yours! The entire time i could not stop smiling. You should denfinitly write some more Judd/Vicki fics, maybe even some Conrad/Shelly fics. :) Great job!