Reviews for Houseflies
Guest chapter 5 . 12/16/2017
Nooo why would you stop there?
This was soo good I really like friendship stories like these I hope you update it sometime in the future maybe
Guest chapter 4 . 8/4/2017
I'm going into my senior year of college in a month. I was going through old journals and cringing at my 10th grade attempts at storytelling when I found a quotes page at the end of one of them. The page was filled with Fall Out Boy quotes from their third album. The only non-related quote was the one at the end of the list.
"The extent of our friendship is socks and oragami frogs."
"That's kawaii as fuck." - Houseflies chpt. 4
Long story short, 15 year old me thought that line was funny enough to add as the only quote of fan fiction I ever put in a personal journal. 21 year old me is inclined to agree. Thanks for the blast to the past.
Foxes at Night in Tailcoats chapter 5 . 5/30/2016
Please come back. Please keep writing this. Please?
anon420 chapter 4 . 10/4/2015
Just realized Clyde's stuffed teddy bear is named Eric. Like Cartman's Clyde Frog, aye?
anon420 chapter 3 . 10/4/2015
"What if he did rid himself of the lone sock, and he found the other one—" lol
anon420 chapter 2 . 10/4/2015
Nevermind, my favorite part is when Tweek feels that everything in his house is out-of-order because a single sock is missing.
anon420 chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
Rereading this. Your funny as fuck. The whole, "I think I missed a step," thing. It cracked me up the second time around. And Craig's like, "It's EASY Mac." I love that scene where Clyde drags himself across the floor with the shower curtain and rug and everything, and Craig just wishes he hadn't seen that. And the parts where Cartman and Kenny reach for the same french fry, and are disappointed when the other gets it, even though there's a whole basket of french fries. There are so many other things I want to point out, but it would be redundant. Every word of this is pure genius. I love it.
Essex Cole chapter 4 . 4/22/2015
The writing in this is incredible and I refuse to give up hope that it will be updated. Easily my favourite story on and it's incomplete with only five chapters. Hoping you'll come back to it.
anon420 chapter 5 . 1/24/2015
This ended "hella" abruptly. But I thoroughly enjoyed what you wrote of this. I love the way you write the characters. Especially, Clyde. You're really good at writing hilarious imagery, too. I love your sense of humor. Like, when Clyde got his hand stuck in the pumpkin, and he classified it as a near-death experience. My favorite part is when Craig discovers that Kenny and Cartman are playing that song over and over again. How silence fell over the restaurant for a mere second before the song started back up. Idunno, it amused me. Plus, I love reading about interactions being Kenny and Cartman. Also, Robot Unicorn Attack? I used to play the Heavy Metal version all the time. XD
Pffawg chapter 5 . 9/4/2014
Dude. That is so not cool, just leaving us hanging here. Please sir I beg of you. UPDATE. PLS
AccountInactive3 chapter 5 . 4/25/2014
I love this fanfic so much X3 I mean wow, usually when it comes to long fanfics I'm like 'I will read... when I can be bothered' but this, you got me caught up just like one sentence into the story! Dude, I just love this X3
But... the next chapter... *emo corner* Heh hehe, may I ask if the next chapter is coming out any time soon, I just about died when there was no chapter X3
Keep up the awesome writing :D
GiraffeStripes chapter 5 . 4/13/2013
I'm not kidding i might seriously die if i don't get my magical update i mean this story is my favorite thing in the whole damn world and i need to know if my baby Craig's okay and whether that dog was Tweeks and if Clyde ever makes it on his little scooter and the scathing comments Craig will make on it if he lives and i love you for existing and writing this *aggressively hugs*
Sweetpie8 chapter 5 . 2/22/2013
I think I've been waiting for updates since chapter two...
Long time fan ok xD
Please come back soon...?
jackilantern chapter 2 . 2/17/2013
So I guess I already reviewed for chapter five a long time ago so
what's up chapter two.
aw man looks like Clyde is a little
Tuckered out.
badum tss
Ok but really.
So recently I've been rereading all of my favourite fanfics. This is obviously one of them. Obviously I really love it. And I totally understand the whole taking a millennium to write 500 fucking words worth of shit about a crack pairing because I have a Cryle fic that god help me I need to update and everything sucks god DAMN.
But christ almighty burn my ballsack in a deepfryer
Leaving us hanging.
Oh my god.
I forgot there was even a fifth chapter.
I haven't read this thing in SO LONG.
Anyway I really should go buy some motivation and self worth and go write that fucking chapter but there's hummus in the fridge and fanfics that have already been written in front of me and
I wish you such, SUCH luck in writing chapter six bro.
You rock.
sweetpie8 chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
The Cheeeburger thing always gets me... no matter how many times I've read and re-read it xDD
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