Reviews for Darkness Will Come
gioviianni chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
Just some constructive criticism, but why would the Malfoys be traveling by car? It doesn’t make any sense
chapter 9 chapter 9 . 4/12/2017
i love the last part of this chapter it is so funny!
Purplestan chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
Her sure name is lidder oh wow it's only the first chapter and I've already guessed her father is tom riddle. I wonder how I guessed that hmm? Probably since you named her lidder which isn't totally obvious at all.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/29/2016
I laughed out loud with 'Hufflepuff!' That was really awful for the others who knew her.
Petra Nadhi chapter 1 . 7/26/2016 subtle
Shifuni chapter 49 . 4/2/2016
I love this story! The character development of Audrey was very real and life like and I enjoyed the character development of Draco as well. I like how Audrey never gave up on Draco even through all the shit's she has been through. Makes me feel like true love is still there. The friendship between the Golden Trio and Audrey as was great as well. I like how they can all be at least civil and friendly towards one another.
mxn1fan chapter 49 . 12/26/2015
Are you fucking kidding me? Draco, you're such a piece of shiz. I ducking hate your guts and you totally ruined your ducking chances of getting on my good side. (Author not you, you're amazing XD, but the ending hurts my heartc)
lyraXIII chapter 49 . 10/25/2013
That was fucking adorable I loved it so sad it ended that way :/
freudianprincess chapter 34 . 8/19/2013
Oh Draco Draco Draco. I love the way you have portrayed him. :)

freudianprincess chapter 9 . 8/18/2013
So I'm going back and reading EVERYTHING just so I can review. I LOVE that you didnt have her fall for Emerson instantly. Like... That could have been a bit annoying. So yay for some standing up for herself.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
for some reason I want emerson to be with her
CJDutchess101 chapter 9 . 5/5/2013
I saw 'Trinidad and Tobago' i am waiting with happy hopes to see what you wrote now xD
Sarah chapter 49 . 12/13/2011
Of Darkness. I have read the whole story again in just three days! Even though j had already read it, it was so exciting! I can't tell you how amazing this story is, you are a fantasic author! Don't be surprised if I pop up again! ;)



P.S. Hope to see you on the shelves one day! :)
Sarah chapter 49 . 12/13/2011
:) gets me everytime. You may or may not remember me, but I was and still am a huge fan
a.delfi chapter 49 . 10/29/2011
I'm speechless... that left me in tears at the end . I dont know where to begin, it was amazing and for a sencond there it almost felt like i was reading harry potter again aged 7 curled up under my blanket i loved your writing style and honestly cant gush enough about how fantastic and refreshing to finelly find someone that can write brilliantly. i am amazed at how you kept it so believable and completely real even when as a reader i wanted that sappy happy ending but you gave more then that. i think the characterisation and especially how you used the characters so expertly was amazing and dare i say it i think you could give some big names in the writting world a run for there money.

i havent been so intranced thrillered or amazed at a story in a long time so thank you for something brilliant and refreshing that i am sure even jk rowling would be proud off

p.s loved the dirty talk...
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