Reviews for One More Theory
Irish Panda chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
Awh, that's too cute! :D

What a meanie, Ivan! D:
Vivecka chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
short and cute :) great job
Isolde von der Wiese chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Aww! Su-san, you're so clever. But...I'm worried about don't even border Poland or France and now this?

Russia must get a bit stupider while drunk though...
K.Henderson chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
Aw that was really cute.
Onyx Lacrymosa chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
aww that was so cute and pretty intersting theory
V. Copperhex chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
How cute~ and finally someone who got the Swedish right and didn't just lazily shove it through babelfish :3

If I may come with a little criticism though; Sweden's official lenght is just half a centimetre under Russia, so they are almost equally tall. The story kinda made it sound like Russia was towering over him.

Be careful how many of the vowels you take out of Berwald's speech, it's commonly misinterprented that he takes them all out, when in canon he's actually pretty clear. He's just a very silent person that is hard to understand because of it. He IS mumbly, but not so much as to take ALL the vowels out. If you've studied Swedish like it says in your profile you know it's quite a funny mess-up, because Real Life Swedish has a tendency to drop consonants and overstressing vowels at times when speaking, in contrast to Finnish where the pronounciation is very important (damn it is hard to learn...).

Otherwise it's a very cute story 3